Curse you Red Baron
Miniature Exchange #47 (ME47)
Hi all,
running my first MEs (starting with #28 of the serie) was a great fun for me. I hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as myself! All have received their miniatures and I think that it's time for the next ME to begin. So, following on from previous Miniature Exchange, this is the official announcement to ME47.
The organizer is: cucaiothegreat
Reply to this thread, after you’ve read the rules and understand them, with your location and shipping preference in the following format:
[user name] - [current location] - ['willing to ship to' location]
For example:
cucaiothegreat - Italy - World
This indicates that cucaiothegreat lives in Italy, and he is willing to ship out everywhere in the world. Shipping costs are on the shipper.
Please also send me a PM with your real name and e-mail address. This information will be held by myself and only used if I cannot contact you via PM.
If you already partecipated to any Miniature Exchange from ME32 or following, you do not need to send me these info again, so do not worry about this point.
TJeffers started this up in 2004 as he came to notice that he had more miniatures laying around in his drawers (not pants) than he could possibly paint and what once might have inspired him certainly didn't any longer. To give these old miniatures new life he hatched the idea for an exchange program. Modderrhu picked up the reins to keep things going, at ME10 mrJustin jumped in to the mix and later somewhere in between ME12 and 13 ZapotekE picked up the torch until ME20 when Undave, took over. OllieHolmes took over from Undave in 2010, and the flag has then passed [unofficially] to Gohkm and Master Of Fact. When they quit, after ME27, cucaiothegreat decided to keep the ME flag waving and started with ME28.
Essentially a group of us get together from all over the world, dig through our piles of goodies, and ship off two (or more) miniatures that we're interested in seeing someone else paint. You, in turn, wait for a package from another individual with miniatures that you are supposed to paint as well (but hardly anyone ever does.) So, basically, what happens is that you put your name down for the exchange and then when the sign-up period is over, all the names will be dumped into a virtual hat to be drawn out randomly. The first name drawn gets to send their unloved miniatures to the second person, the second person sends to the third, and so on. At the end, the last person sends to the first. Instead of being a direct one-to-one exchange, we follow the order in which the names are drawn.
Signup starts - 17 April 2018 (Tue)
List published - 25 May 2018 (Fri)
Exchange start - 28 May 2018 (Mon)
I will provide enough time to mail to all participants, as well as an improvised shipping time buffer in case something stuffs up. If you know you will have a problem shipping models for whatever reason, please let both myself and your intended recipient know ASAP. If things run smooth, then the next ME will start after all have received their miniatures.
NOTE: Dates are subject to change depending on circumstances. All updates will be posted to this thread, so please keep track here.
1) You must send at least two miniatures. YOU WILL NOT GET THESE BACK, so make sure you don't send anything you still want. There has been a tendency to send more than two miniatures. This is encouraged and to be expected, to add more fun and variety to the ME. The rule is at least two, but more is better.
2) All miniatures must be in an untouched state. Basically, send it as you got it, in the condition it was when it was bought. This doesn't mean it has to be in a blister, however, just not mangled in any way. At least ONE of the minis should NOT be painted or primed or pre-paints. The exception is if the minis were primed when bought, like Mithril minis. These may be exchanged since primed is their original condition. Exceptions to this rule are made by the participants and should be managed via private message.
3) If you wish to participate, you must be around. Don't say 'I want in' and then disappear off the face of the Earth for a month. Participants should be checking at least this thread once per week, and check your PM’s and e-mail. If all contact attempts made in a reasonable amount of time via primary contact method (PM and email) fail, the participant will be blacklisted and removed from the current Miniature Exchange.
If a participant gets blacklisted, said participant will be PERMANENTLY barred from any future Miniature Exchanges. Such a decision is final. If there is a genuine reason why you have been unable to make contact with either your intended recipient or the organizer, please do get back into contact to talk things through, however, excuses like ‘my dog ate the models’ will not be accepted, so be warned.
4) If you do not hear from either your sender or sendee within one week of the exchange list being posted, check with the the organizer, and then skip them! I will endeavour to find a new sender for anyone who has been suddenly left out in the cold.
This works in both directions, so if your sender can't be contacted get in touch with the person who was to send to them. PLEASE LET ME KNOW THAT YOU HAVE SHIPPED, IF POSSIBLE CAN YOU EMAIL PROOF OF POSTAGE.
5) First time participants will be listed as FLAGGED. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU SIGN UP as there are so many people doing the exchange that it's hard to keep track of who has and hasn't participated before. Anyone receiving miniatures from a FLAGGED participant should post to the forums when the package is received. Only when the package from a FLAGGED participant is received will the person sending to the FLAGGED member ship any miniatures. Should the FLAGGED member fail to ship miniatures out within two weeks of the commencement of the exchange then the person originally slated to ship to the FLAGGED participant will, instead, ship to the person that the FLAGGED person was intended to ship to. To make it as smooth as possible for the FLAGGED participant he/she will be teamed up with a receiver geographically as close as possible. Please post as soon as you have received the models to help make Miniature Exchange run smoothly, and avoid having the organizers run after people un-necessarily.
If you're sending to a flagged participant don't be tempted to send minis until they are unflagged as you may end up having to send out another lot if the flagged guy doesn't come up with the goods.
6) Failure to participate after signing up for the exchange will result in being banned from future exchanges. While rule 5 is intended to protect participants from new members failing to follow through with the exchange it does not address regular CMON participants who have, for whatever reason, not shipped miniatures to their exchange partner.
When you have received a package of minis, please do PM the sender and post in the thread - if possible with a picture. It's always nice to see what people end up with. By the same token, although it's not a requirement, if you decide to paint any of the stuff you get we'd all love to see it, as after all the idea of this is to get those models that sit around for ages out of the draw and onto the painting bench.
We had a few problems the last couple of times due to some people not chiming in when they had minis arrive. It's VITAL that we know when you have your stuff turn up as it can cause hold ups, especially where flagged participants are concerned. Please PM your sender and post in the thread if only just to say you got your stuff. I will be chasing people if I feel they are not saying when their models have arrived and you will run the risk of being banned from future exchanges. This is only fair to ensure we all have a good exhange.
The list remains unaltered when a person is unflagged on the forum so please keep an eye on this thread to see when things happen. If you're sending to a flagged member please let me know when you ship and if he misses their post saying they have shipped give us a nudge.
Despite all these rules, let's keep in mind that at the end of the day, all that stuff written above is simply to make sure that everyone ends up with a couple of fun minis and a warm fuzzy feeling that you may have made somebody else's day.
This was suggested by several partecipants in the latest MEs, so I decided to add this opportunity for everyone interested.
If you choose to sign up twice for the ME, you should be ready to send out your parcels to entire World. Flagged partecipants cannot sign up twice in their first ME.
Please specify that you want to sign up twice when you post your name, and I will add your name twice to the list. So you will receive parcels from two different partecipants, and you also have to send out to two different partecipants.
If you do not want to sign up twice, nothing will change for you and you can join the ME as usual. This option is provided to give everyone that wants more "action" to make two exchanges in the same ME.
Please remember that you should be ready to send out to entire World if you want to sign up twice.
Sorry but if you are flagged (i.e. this is the first ME you joined), you CANNOT sign up twice.
For example:
cucaiothegreat - Italy - World *sign me up twice*
It is sad, but experience has taught me that sometimes a partecipant do not get his miniatures for the ME. This could happen for several reasons: maybe the parcel has been lost by the postal service, or sender has disappeared and things cannot be fixed in time.
So I have thought about creating a "miniature reserve" with the contribution of all partecipants. The contribution to the "miniature reserve" is fully optional, and I have started it by adding some miniatures myself, and have then received several generous contributions from other ME partecipants.
If you want to contribute, just tell me by sending me a PM. I will send you my postal address, where you can send one (or more) miniatures that I will add to the "reserve". These will be used only when someone do not get his miniatures for the ME. If this happens, I will then send him at least 2 miniatures randomly taken from the "reserve", so he will get the miniatures he deserve for joining ME. The "reserve" can also be used in certain circumstances when a parcel get lost by the postal service, so the sendee will get his miniatures and the sender has not to send out another parcel.
I hope this idea will help to make the ME a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved. I used the reserve several times in the last MEs, and it is having a great success.
Let's see those names!
cucaiothegreat - Italy - World *sign me up twice*
Hi all,
running my first MEs (starting with #28 of the serie) was a great fun for me. I hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as myself! All have received their miniatures and I think that it's time for the next ME to begin. So, following on from previous Miniature Exchange, this is the official announcement to ME47.
The organizer is: cucaiothegreat
Reply to this thread, after you’ve read the rules and understand them, with your location and shipping preference in the following format:
[user name] - [current location] - ['willing to ship to' location]
For example:
cucaiothegreat - Italy - World
This indicates that cucaiothegreat lives in Italy, and he is willing to ship out everywhere in the world. Shipping costs are on the shipper.
Please also send me a PM with your real name and e-mail address. This information will be held by myself and only used if I cannot contact you via PM.
If you already partecipated to any Miniature Exchange from ME32 or following, you do not need to send me these info again, so do not worry about this point.
TJeffers started this up in 2004 as he came to notice that he had more miniatures laying around in his drawers (not pants) than he could possibly paint and what once might have inspired him certainly didn't any longer. To give these old miniatures new life he hatched the idea for an exchange program. Modderrhu picked up the reins to keep things going, at ME10 mrJustin jumped in to the mix and later somewhere in between ME12 and 13 ZapotekE picked up the torch until ME20 when Undave, took over. OllieHolmes took over from Undave in 2010, and the flag has then passed [unofficially] to Gohkm and Master Of Fact. When they quit, after ME27, cucaiothegreat decided to keep the ME flag waving and started with ME28.
Essentially a group of us get together from all over the world, dig through our piles of goodies, and ship off two (or more) miniatures that we're interested in seeing someone else paint. You, in turn, wait for a package from another individual with miniatures that you are supposed to paint as well (but hardly anyone ever does.) So, basically, what happens is that you put your name down for the exchange and then when the sign-up period is over, all the names will be dumped into a virtual hat to be drawn out randomly. The first name drawn gets to send their unloved miniatures to the second person, the second person sends to the third, and so on. At the end, the last person sends to the first. Instead of being a direct one-to-one exchange, we follow the order in which the names are drawn.
Signup starts - 17 April 2018 (Tue)
List published - 25 May 2018 (Fri)
Exchange start - 28 May 2018 (Mon)
I will provide enough time to mail to all participants, as well as an improvised shipping time buffer in case something stuffs up. If you know you will have a problem shipping models for whatever reason, please let both myself and your intended recipient know ASAP. If things run smooth, then the next ME will start after all have received their miniatures.
NOTE: Dates are subject to change depending on circumstances. All updates will be posted to this thread, so please keep track here.
1) You must send at least two miniatures. YOU WILL NOT GET THESE BACK, so make sure you don't send anything you still want. There has been a tendency to send more than two miniatures. This is encouraged and to be expected, to add more fun and variety to the ME. The rule is at least two, but more is better.
2) All miniatures must be in an untouched state. Basically, send it as you got it, in the condition it was when it was bought. This doesn't mean it has to be in a blister, however, just not mangled in any way. At least ONE of the minis should NOT be painted or primed or pre-paints. The exception is if the minis were primed when bought, like Mithril minis. These may be exchanged since primed is their original condition. Exceptions to this rule are made by the participants and should be managed via private message.
3) If you wish to participate, you must be around. Don't say 'I want in' and then disappear off the face of the Earth for a month. Participants should be checking at least this thread once per week, and check your PM’s and e-mail. If all contact attempts made in a reasonable amount of time via primary contact method (PM and email) fail, the participant will be blacklisted and removed from the current Miniature Exchange.
If a participant gets blacklisted, said participant will be PERMANENTLY barred from any future Miniature Exchanges. Such a decision is final. If there is a genuine reason why you have been unable to make contact with either your intended recipient or the organizer, please do get back into contact to talk things through, however, excuses like ‘my dog ate the models’ will not be accepted, so be warned.
4) If you do not hear from either your sender or sendee within one week of the exchange list being posted, check with the the organizer, and then skip them! I will endeavour to find a new sender for anyone who has been suddenly left out in the cold.
This works in both directions, so if your sender can't be contacted get in touch with the person who was to send to them. PLEASE LET ME KNOW THAT YOU HAVE SHIPPED, IF POSSIBLE CAN YOU EMAIL PROOF OF POSTAGE.
5) First time participants will be listed as FLAGGED. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU SIGN UP as there are so many people doing the exchange that it's hard to keep track of who has and hasn't participated before. Anyone receiving miniatures from a FLAGGED participant should post to the forums when the package is received. Only when the package from a FLAGGED participant is received will the person sending to the FLAGGED member ship any miniatures. Should the FLAGGED member fail to ship miniatures out within two weeks of the commencement of the exchange then the person originally slated to ship to the FLAGGED participant will, instead, ship to the person that the FLAGGED person was intended to ship to. To make it as smooth as possible for the FLAGGED participant he/she will be teamed up with a receiver geographically as close as possible. Please post as soon as you have received the models to help make Miniature Exchange run smoothly, and avoid having the organizers run after people un-necessarily.
If you're sending to a flagged participant don't be tempted to send minis until they are unflagged as you may end up having to send out another lot if the flagged guy doesn't come up with the goods.
6) Failure to participate after signing up for the exchange will result in being banned from future exchanges. While rule 5 is intended to protect participants from new members failing to follow through with the exchange it does not address regular CMON participants who have, for whatever reason, not shipped miniatures to their exchange partner.
When you have received a package of minis, please do PM the sender and post in the thread - if possible with a picture. It's always nice to see what people end up with. By the same token, although it's not a requirement, if you decide to paint any of the stuff you get we'd all love to see it, as after all the idea of this is to get those models that sit around for ages out of the draw and onto the painting bench.
We had a few problems the last couple of times due to some people not chiming in when they had minis arrive. It's VITAL that we know when you have your stuff turn up as it can cause hold ups, especially where flagged participants are concerned. Please PM your sender and post in the thread if only just to say you got your stuff. I will be chasing people if I feel they are not saying when their models have arrived and you will run the risk of being banned from future exchanges. This is only fair to ensure we all have a good exhange.
The list remains unaltered when a person is unflagged on the forum so please keep an eye on this thread to see when things happen. If you're sending to a flagged member please let me know when you ship and if he misses their post saying they have shipped give us a nudge.
Despite all these rules, let's keep in mind that at the end of the day, all that stuff written above is simply to make sure that everyone ends up with a couple of fun minis and a warm fuzzy feeling that you may have made somebody else's day.
This was suggested by several partecipants in the latest MEs, so I decided to add this opportunity for everyone interested.
If you choose to sign up twice for the ME, you should be ready to send out your parcels to entire World. Flagged partecipants cannot sign up twice in their first ME.
Please specify that you want to sign up twice when you post your name, and I will add your name twice to the list. So you will receive parcels from two different partecipants, and you also have to send out to two different partecipants.
If you do not want to sign up twice, nothing will change for you and you can join the ME as usual. This option is provided to give everyone that wants more "action" to make two exchanges in the same ME.
Please remember that you should be ready to send out to entire World if you want to sign up twice.
Sorry but if you are flagged (i.e. this is the first ME you joined), you CANNOT sign up twice.
For example:
cucaiothegreat - Italy - World *sign me up twice*
It is sad, but experience has taught me that sometimes a partecipant do not get his miniatures for the ME. This could happen for several reasons: maybe the parcel has been lost by the postal service, or sender has disappeared and things cannot be fixed in time.
So I have thought about creating a "miniature reserve" with the contribution of all partecipants. The contribution to the "miniature reserve" is fully optional, and I have started it by adding some miniatures myself, and have then received several generous contributions from other ME partecipants.
If you want to contribute, just tell me by sending me a PM. I will send you my postal address, where you can send one (or more) miniatures that I will add to the "reserve". These will be used only when someone do not get his miniatures for the ME. If this happens, I will then send him at least 2 miniatures randomly taken from the "reserve", so he will get the miniatures he deserve for joining ME. The "reserve" can also be used in certain circumstances when a parcel get lost by the postal service, so the sendee will get his miniatures and the sender has not to send out another parcel.
I hope this idea will help to make the ME a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved. I used the reserve several times in the last MEs, and it is having a great success.
Let's see those names!
cucaiothegreat - Italy - World *sign me up twice*