MIG Filters questions.


New member
I saw the MIG filters are being released again, has anyone used this before or using them now?

How do they differ from a normal wash? I mainly use secret weapon washes and few GW ones, if I am brighting up a color or making the tone stronger without effecting the color I use scale inkintensy set.

I seen few release notes about them and some google info, but still not sure about them. Are they just like a glaze and designed subtle tinting the colors and used for effects like that?

Can they be used alongside weathering pigments?

Constantly trying to push myself as painter and try out new effects and techniques, so would they be worth it to add to the toolbox?


New member
They are basically the same as a wash. The only real difference to secret weapon washes for example is that they are enamel based and require a thinner. (also because of this you have more working time + can be cleaned up nicely with a thinner from surfaces where it is not needed.) Also most of them are military colors, so you won't really have the same strong tones as from the inktensity set you mentioned.

usage: yes it's a bit of a mix of a glaze / wash. It's thin enough and is mostly used as a glaze really even though the consistency is wash like.

along pigments: yes, of course, one of the main thing with mig weathering products. Use them before pigments (or after pigments fixed with their fixer or even you can mix some pigment in).

is it worth it: depends on how much you weather figures/vehicles.
- For me: they were not really worth the money (as I like more showroom clean vehicles/figures),
- for a friend who loves a weathered look on his army: they are super.

In general it's not a bad idea to have 1-2 of them in the toolbox, but are not essential. You can subst. them with other products (in general: inks or washes)


New member
For the amount of weathering I do depends on the project. Sometimes I go for factory fresh look, other times it's a well worn/used look.

They offering special effects sets, which might be the prefect go between to tie in the weather effects.

The enamel part is my only concern, as some times I work with AK extreme metals and don't want the thinner reacting to the metal layers.


New member
If you are worried about the filters interacting with the extreme metals just shoot a coat of satin or gloss acrylic varnish over your piece of work. It will act as a barrier between the two and you can seal it with a matte varnish in the end if that's what you want. The MIG filters are a good no fuss product if you just want to open a lid and go. But if you have a few tubes of oil paint you can make your own with a dab of paint and a few drops of isopropyl alcohol or the thinner of your choice. Make it dilute enough to just tint the paintwork underneath.
Get a piece of sprue or excess part and a jar of filter and do a few tests to see if you will get trouble or not.
When working with military vehicles I have to admit I prefer the MIG washes and filters but mine would be at least five years old by now. Having an extended workability time is what really sells them to me.


New member
"Are they just like a glaze and designed subtle tinting the colors and used for effects like that?" - that's exactly what they are - to tint the surface. Usually use straight out of the bottle on a matte surface. I recommend this issue if you want to learn more (not just filters):



New member
Both filters and washes are very similar. Washes are designed to settle in the recesses more such as panel lines and around raised detail. Filters are much more dilute in colour and are designed to tint the overall flat panels and give colour nuances to the paintwork. Both are just enamel based super diluted paints in thinner and there is nothing to prevent you from making your own with any enamel colour you have.


New member
I have used the Ammo by Mig filters (I know there was mig, and AK interactive versions too but I assume they are all about the same) and yes they add a subtle tint to colors. I always use them as a final step so I haven't run into interaction problems, but of course you do have to wait longer for them to dry and have the appropriate solvent to wash your brushes. I have been using various enamel products for a while and I really enjoy them, but I also do a lot of weathering so they really suit my purposes well. That said, I've tried using them for other applications and still found interesting uses for them. If you are going to place an order I'd also suggest trying to get a bottle of streaking grime. They have various shades of this but I have found them personally very fun to work with.
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