Mid Nor/Confrontation wanted

Hey all Im wanting to buy nearly any and all mid nor I can get my hands onto, so if your looking to sell any send me a pm, or email telling me what you have and what you want for it, Im just adding to my personal collection at the moment so just looking to buy for the mean time not trade.
Hope to hear from you all soon.
I search google and ebay daily for posts about or reguarding mid nor :p Im wanting to get people to tell me what they want for their figs, I am paying well! but I do have a bit of mid nor at the moment, so mainly the rarer figs im after!


New member
As has already been mentioned, you'd probably do better posting this up in the Trading section of the forums. Also, I'd suggest being more specific about the figs you're after - you'll reduce your false positives hits.
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