Metal - Same as armour same as sword?


New member
Hi everyone. To my Golden demon I have a lightly armoured dude with a sword. The armour I painted with a base as bright as boltgun metal so it will be quite bright and shiny. My question is can I paint the sword in the exact same colors or is that a no no? Usually the armour is different than the sword right?
btw the armour is 50% boltgun 20% black, 15% scorched brown and 15% regal blue if it helps.


New member
Swords are often more shiny than armour so I would aim for that, even if the colour tone could be similar.


New member
it depends on the armour a bit.if the armour is a bit dirty id make the sword bright as most fighters want there swords looking good


New member
How about very gentle highlighting with extreme highlighting to the armour to create a dark appeal

And the sword normal stages


Shawn R. L.

New member
I\'m doing some rather large ax\'s right now and am doing most of the blade in dark NMM and the sharpened edge in SE-NMM. I\'m hoping the contrast between the two will look good. Might try that........
Well does it matter. Your sword can be the same colour it just shows that your guy likes to have clean armour, however your armour is going to have more shading on it as it has more recesses.


New member
Depends on the character of the guy himself...

If he\'s like Orky or Nurgle, he\'s not gonna give a toss about his armour or sword, so both are gonna be dirty and rusty

If he\'s a poncy nancy boy high elf fairy type fella, both his armour and weapon are gonna be super spangly shiny.

But aside from basic allegiances, the appearance of weapons and armour will depend on their level of usage - if your guy is in a mid-battle pose, then I\'d advice making his armour spattered with dirt and blood, but his sword maybe wiped clean.

Conversely, if he is in mid-swing or stood over a recently defeated enemy, his sword could be covered in blood and his armour relatively clean.

EDIT: Just thought - if you\'re just after adding a difference between the two, why not try a wash/glaze such as a blue or a green.


New member
What\'s the focal point on your mini? Accepting the cultural background of the mini, I try to make the sword a little lighter, since it is smaller and a better focal point than the armour. If both are equally painted, then you\'ll need to find some other focus on the mini, one that the weapon and armour won\'t detract from.
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