marine Captain


New member
This is my captain I just finished up. I was just looking for feedback and comment, let me know what is working and what isn\'t. The chapter is a salamander successor chapter called the Sea Dragons. I decided to not go with the completely black skin and red eyes as they arent based on nocturne and therefore wouldnt suffer from the same mutation. the base is from scibor

vote link!!!!



New member
I like it. Would love to see a unit or army done to this standard. The piece looks great. Only thing I am not too big on is the red skin. Just looks a bit off, maybe bring up the high lights a bit more to \"soften\" it up a bit.


Sven Jonsson
Not bad. Smooth work overall. I\'m not entirely digging the colours though, I think the redbrown of the face and the red of the gund clashes. I\'d probably make the face a more neutral brown.


New member
Looks realy chalky.. and the skin tone is way too dark. But who am I to judge.. I cant even do anything that nice. =)


New member
thanks for the comments guys, I\'m not sure why the faces is coming out so red in the photos, well besides poor photos which this guy is hurting from, I based it with scorched brown which I know has red in it but I think the red bolter is making it seem worse than it is. It was my first go at anything besides a \"white\" face so I\'ll chalk it up as an experiment, if anyone has a good color recipe for dark skin let me know. once I finish the rest of the army I\'ll post a complete 2000 points of a similar standard. hopefully in the next2-3 weeks.Thanks


Sven Jonsson
Well there are lots of more neutral browns in the Vallejo Model Colour line. For a very dark skin I\'d probably pick up the German camo black brown. I\'d shade it with a wash of chaos black or badab black. Then I would try highlight it with mixing in a lighter flesh colour like dwarf flesh or perhaps VMC flat flesh and then finish it of with some pint of light with a pale beige colour like VMC Ivory or bleached bone. If it gets too pale, washes will do the trick. The difficult part with skin is that it is as reflective when it is dark as it is when it is light. That means that the contrast needs to be large on dark skin due to the glares from reflections.

An article on the subject that can give some ideas
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