Dang! That was Lazlo whatshisnames site and he had some downright fantastic stuff there. Heres to hoping its just a server upgrade or someother technical babblish glitch!!
@wapp: Thanks. Some really great looking stuff you\'ve got, but I\'m looking more for a tutorial than an idea of what it looks like. I\'ll take one more day to look around for something, and if that fails, I\'ll just have to muddle through it on my own, and be ready to strip often.
Lazlo\'s site has always been kinda flaky for me, but I just try back again later and it\'s usually there at some point. His tutorials (he also has granite, flame and some others I think) are well worth the extra clicking.
Well, I found lots of pictures of real marble, in various colours, and chose the one I liked best, and took a stab at it. It turned out pretty well, I think, considering I was lacking the ability to have that link work for me.
I\'ll post a picture when I get back home, again. It\'s going to need a bit of touching up, but on the whole, for my first try, I\'m pleased.