Hi DoBe, replacement axe? Without leaving the house you could try making a Green Stuff press mould to duplicate one of the existing ones, not something I\'ve ever done but I\'m fairly sure I saw a tutorial title for it on this site.
White Dwarf lists a couple of GW stockists in Budapest. If they\'re Hobby Centres then ask all the kids/staff whether they have a spare plastic axe from one kit or another that\'ll do & buy/trade for it. I can\'t think of a sprue off hand that has what you need. A Box of LotR dwarfs & some scraped off hands?
If you get a mix of axes that don\'t quite match you could build up another 20mm base with a stack of axes on it. Neatly laid out ready to load, or broken & disgarded. Just to tie in to the set so that one odd axe on the Hewer still works.
Oh, and classic toadstool on the Hewer base too :beer: