Making Inks Look Dull

Whenever I use inks it always turns out really shiny. I\'ve seen many of the minis on this site that have had to been inked but they look dull. How do you get this effect - is it with matte varnish?? And if so what kind because I bought a little pot of GW varnish but it just made the whole mini shiny.

Jared McGeehan

New member

The varnish that GW sells in pots is a gloss varnish. You need to get hold of a spray-on matt varnish (such as GW\'s purity seal)... while this is still slightly shiny, it\'s not as shiny as either gloss varnish or inks. There are other matt varnishes out there that provide a more flat looking coat as well


New member
I use GW inks and they look a bit shiny, that\'s true. Try aplying them over a matt colour so they lose some of their glossy effect. Also use some water mixed with them and part of the bright will go out...
That is what I do, but surely there r another techniques more advanced and that I dont know...

Hope this helps u,



New member
I use Gunze Sagnyo Water Based Acrylics matt varnish. If you want to use this BE VERY CAREFUL: if you put too much pressure on your brush, it can remove the (Citadel) paint of your model. Because of that I always put on one or two layers of this varnish thinned with water (about 1:2 varnish:water) and then a second or third layer with the pure varnish. Thinned layers don\'t remove paint that easy.

If you don\'t use your minis for playing then one thinned layer may do the trick of removing gloss.


New member
I just coat my figure with Testor\'s Dullcote; I haven\'t found a better flat varnish, and I\'m very happy with it.


New member
Yup, I have both spray and brush-on; I haven\'t tried the brush-on yet, but I\'m very happy with the spray. I\'ve only found it in cans around 12 cm tall.

Big Mean Elf

Originally posted by Temperance
I just coat my figure with Testor\'s Dullcote; I haven\'t found a better flat varnish, and I\'m very happy with it.

> A-Men...

The stuff rocks and it is THE BEST I have ever found,plus you can come back and gloss over it for eye peeps and tounges slime,ect...a great product indeed!



New member
Testors dull cote is the best! though I\'ve never seen the brush on before . .

I have been inking flesh on human skin and the creases are always high gloss and I have to wait to give them the once over with the dull cote but a brush on would be nice until I get the whole fig done . . .

but it is REALLY dull - it dulls any metal work a great deal such that if you are doing armor I wonder if you should make it a bit brighter than normal as TDC will make it almost a gray - all shine, reflection is just flat gone . . . something to think about is all . . .

Everyone, am I right about that?


I just saw Testor\'s Dullcote on a catalog in the local Comic store (the only way I might be able to order it)... But the cans only had 90ml, is this the only size available?

Also, where can I get it in europe (I\'m from Portugal)? Altough I might be able to get it from this catalog it will take 2-3 months to get here... :~~(


Big Mean Elf

Be awear...

Originally posted by Flashman14

but it is REALLY dull - it dulls any metal work a great deal such that if you are doing armor I wonder if you should make it a bit brighter than normal as TDC will make it almost a gray - all shine, reflection is just flat gone . . . something to think about is all . . .

Everyone, am I right about that?

> Yes you are 100% correct on this one...the stuff is so dull that it will make silvers and the like go grey`ish. Good point...I don`t use the spray on armoured minis. :cool:
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