Magnets in Minis.


New member
I recently picked up a Ironclad Dreadnought, and was rather daunted at the shear amount of customizable options available with the package. I didn't want to narrow myself into just one set up, as this piece might potentially start my own army to play for the first time ever.

So I was wondering if people have experience in using magnets for this form of customization. The only reference I've found so far, and actually reminded me of it was Thomas Schaldes:


New member
no experince first hand but was looking at bignastysharks (he could be bnsminiatures here, i don;t know) stuff last w/e. he had some. fab stuff. just place the holes in corresponding places on the parts, as you would if you were pinning the epoxy the magnets in place. MAKE SURE THEY ARE THE RIGHT WAY ROUND!! don't want them repelling!


Consummate Brushlicker
Yeah they're really handy, but you have to know their limits. They can support anything heavy, but a single magnet will not be able to hold a piece still if there's a ton of torque on it from gravity. The parts may just spin and droop a bit unless you do something to stop it. Usually not an issue with plastics, but it happens more with pewter and heavier parts, especially if the magnets aren't placed at a relatively well centered spot.

Anyway I definitely love magnets, but be prepared because you will spend a ton of time making things work and painting the extra modular bits. It saves you money in that you can use one model many different ways one game to the next, but it doesn't exactly take away headaches :p


New member
I have used quite a few magnets in my army. My recomendation would be to use either 1 bigger magnet pair and a pin, or 2 small magnet pairs to stop unwanted rotation on things like arms. You want to make post and socket conections (ie one magnet will be sunken and the other will sit proud) for the physical anti-rotation benefit. I have magnets as small as 1/16th of an inch in diameter for the fiddly bits.
And yes, you get to paint a lot of extra pieces when you do things this way.
Good luck.
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