M07 - the Haven - Stupid mission or stupid me?


New member
Hi folks,

last week end I played the scenario M07 of Prison Outbreak (one of the few missions of the rule book I didn't try) with my brother and after a couple of turns and the spawn of the two abos (berserk and normal - we didn't play with toxics this time) we realized, that the game was virtually over.

I explain the problem : in this mission you have to clean the prison yard (but basically the whole prison) and to help you, you can activate two sets of doors (violet and white) that can stop and release the zombi hord as you try to make them move into your trap...

The thing is... we killed all the zombies on the free part of the prison (where there are NO spawn zones) and locked all the zombies in the yard (behind a single door, where they all waited) - we didn't play the game til the end... Where is the point - if you want to win, you just have to search and search again, till you can make a molotov - meanwhile the zombies will spawn and spawn again, until you don't have any zombies anymore - then you just have to open the door and kill them all.

I know there are plenty of ways to achieve the goal of this mission, but why do I feel like this mission is not so much fun??? Did I miss something?

Any reactions ?
Did you try this mission ? Did you have the same 'problem' ?

Beste Grüße,

PS. an other question, now that I'm thinking about it (not 'directly' related, but it has something to do with the mission) : how do you define the zones in the prison yard ? (yellow squares?)
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