Lylyth WiP Log


New member
Lately I\'ve been feeling I\'ve been stuck in a rut with my painting. While I\'m relatively satisfied with the quality of my finished peices, I\'m annoyed that none of them seem to be any better than the last. Heck, in some cases, despite my best efforts, I feel I\'ve been backsliding. So, I\'m here looking for help (as I probably should have done ages ago, what with the high concentration of amazing artists here :) ). The current model I\'m working on is Lylyth, Herald of Everblight, from the Hordes range. I\'m doing her up in colors basically the same as this Rhyas I did recently, although I\'m using Ali McVey\'s version of Lylyth as a guide (what can I say, I like the studio Everblight scheme).

So, without further ado, here\'s the first WiP shot of my Lylyth.


The skin is (supposedly) done, but the rest has basically just been basecoated. I\'m also thinking I may be needing a little more contrast on her skin (this taking the form of stronger shading, seeing as I highlighted up to pure white). What say you?


New member
The skin looks OK for now although a close up would be useful. It could perhaps benefit from some additional work later on, but I\'d get the rest of the mini done first. The way the other areas end up working with the skintone will give you a better idea if it needs some extra highlights.
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