Looking for tips on sculpting fangs, teeth in general


New member

I'm currently sculpting some slug type creatures for a mutant army I'm building.

I want to add some fangs to the mouths but so far I'm struggling to do it with milliput.

Wondered if anyone had any tips on better stuff to use and how to go about it.



New member
You could try a stiffer putty. It might help some. Either way,.. I'd say to roll out a tapered cone to whatever diameter you need, cut the tip off,.. then bend/shape if necessary to achieve any curvature the fang/claw might have. Then sculpt any imperfections in the tooth (cracks, chips, worn or rotten spots,.. whatever might give them some character). Let dry/harden. Then paint and/or glue into place.


New member
Cheers guys; going to try some green stuff and the cone method. Fingers crossed; I'll try to remember to post some pics later of how I get on with them.


New member
pleased with how they came out, it was damn hard to get them in the "mouth" areas but they seem to have bonded well and are stuck in pretty well. Thanks again for the advice; it was easier to do once I'd left the greenstuff to go a little bit stiff.

Can't wait to paint them up later today!!!
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