Looking for Siren, Origen Mermaid


New member

I know it's a bit of a long shot, since she's been out of print for a few years, but I'm looking for the Origen Mermaid "Siren". This one: http://www.coolminiornot.com/303567

Willing to pay $250+shipping for one which is NIB, or $200-$250 for one in other condition (depending on condition). $=USD

If you prefer, we can also arrange a trade. I have some rare sought after pieces like Y'Sala & Darkness and 40 year survivor [NIB], and some nice well-painted studio mcvey minis I'd be willing to part with: ruby (9.1), lisbeth (8.9), ar-fienel (8.8).

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New member
hi, your post is full.

So my questions here:

- do you want to keep the figure or just have a go painting it?
- at what price would you rate the ruby / ar-fienel? (Considering that you'd pay 250+ for a NIB.)

My problem whit the figure is, that I really like it, but I might never get around painting it.
So having it either painted by someone or having some painted figure trade might be better, than keeping it in a box.



New member
- do you want to keep the figure or just have a go painting it?
I would like to paint it and keep it. I keep most of my painted figures.

- at what price would you rate the ruby / ar-fienel? (Considering that you'd pay 250+ for a NIB.)
I would be willing to trade either for the mermaid straight up. I normally don't sell figures I've painted for competitions (which these are), but I'm willing to make an exception here. I think valuing them at $250 is more than fair considering the rarity of the figures and the quality of the paint jobs (Ruby won a gold at Crystal Brush in 2011, and Ar-Fienel took best of show at KublaCon in 2013).
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