Looking for advice on 40 K preacher


New member
I usually don\'t ask for advice, but you guys are the experts.


I\'m not selling this guy. He is my first 40 K mini. I\'ve done a few since and I like painting robes so I\'ll probably do some more preachers down the line.


uh oh!

well im not the best one to be giving advice.... but! highlighting is a key thingy....use more.
and with your flesh washes they are really thick ( even though its an ink and w/e) try mixink it with water. mostly water. i dont know the exact ratio since, well, as i said...im not the best person to take advice from.


New member
Well all in all it looks great. My only thing is it may help to distinguish between the blade and the handal a little more.


Super Moderator
Well as figures go he\'s a good 40k figure to start with.
There are a few things i\'d like to suggest you consider:

1) The Face. You\'ve (apparently) washed over it with Flesh wash. Which is a good starter way of creating the shadow definitions, but the wash is rather heavy and you\'ve not gone back over the areas which should need re-highlighting.(Nose Cheeks, Eyebrows and Forehead). If you did this you\'d see a remarkable change in the mini.

2) The Robe. The Red looks as if you\'ve done one of two things, either left the shadow areas black and just highlighted the raised portions Red, or washed over with a flesh wash. If you\'ve washed over then again I\'d suggest reworking the highlights up from the Red, to a mix of the red you have used and a lighter variant. If you\'ve just painted the raised areas I\'d suggest that for the future try a darker layer of paint in the recesses (Dark Flesh & Scab Red is a good mix 50/50 ratio) then work up the differing layers using Scab Red, Red Gore & finally the highlight of Blood Red.

3) The Sword. At the moment the sword looks unpainted but this could be the Photo. You\'ll see lots of people doing NMM (Non Metallic Metal) painting on this site, I\'d suggest that you don\'t try it yet but go the good old fashined way of Boltgun Metal , Chainmail and finally Mithril silver along the edges.

If you try to make the stages of painting Shadow/Basecolour/Highlight as a starting place then you\'ll find a difference. Eventually you\'ll find the knack of making 5 then 7 then 9 then 11 stages of highlights and then we\'ll be getting worried about how good you are. :D

All in all the work you have done is nice and neatly painted and shows great promise.
Welcome to the world of CMON and I hope that my suggestions help. :D


New member
My general method for flesh is:

Tanned Flesh basecoat
Flesh Wash
Tanned Flesh highlights
Dwarf Flesh highlights
Elf Flesh highlights
Very watery red wash

In that order. Am I doing something wrong>


Basically what Dragonsreach said, keep your ink washes thin, if you use a glaze medium for acrylics, it\'ll thin them without losing/washing out the color
If you want a good tutorial on \"3 stage\" thes may be of some use Foundry painting guides they are free & in downloadable pdf, enjoy



New member
Watch out for that last wash layer! You may be tinting everything too red. When I first looked at the picture it seemed he had a rather severe sunburn. If you are going to do the last wash try to use a very small brush and just settle it into the recesses and shadows but avoid the mid tones and highlight. You may be a littel more please with the result.

I used to depend on washes A LOT. I have since worked my technique to the poiont where I use almost no washes. Where I used to use them oneverything I did, I am to the point where there are some minis I don\'t use the technique at all and others where I might do it on 10-20% of the model. I almost never use washes on skin tones any more. I find it more effective and clean looking to start with dark flesh on all of the flesh parts, then start working my way lighter very carefully and blending up to a highlight of elf flesh.

Hope you get something out of the comments and keep up the good work!:cool:
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