Well as figures go he\'s a good 40k figure to start with.
There are a few things i\'d like to suggest you consider:
1) The Face. You\'ve (apparently) washed over it with Flesh wash. Which is a good starter way of creating the shadow definitions, but the wash is rather heavy and you\'ve not gone back over the areas which should need re-highlighting.(Nose Cheeks, Eyebrows and Forehead). If you did this you\'d see a remarkable change in the mini.
2) The Robe. The Red looks as if you\'ve done one of two things, either left the shadow areas black and just highlighted the raised portions Red, or washed over with a flesh wash. If you\'ve washed over then again I\'d suggest reworking the highlights up from the Red, to a mix of the red you have used and a lighter variant. If you\'ve just painted the raised areas I\'d suggest that for the future try a darker layer of paint in the recesses (Dark Flesh & Scab Red is a good mix 50/50 ratio) then work up the differing layers using Scab Red, Red Gore & finally the highlight of Blood Red.
3) The Sword. At the moment the sword looks unpainted but this could be the Photo. You\'ll see lots of people doing NMM (Non Metallic Metal) painting on this site, I\'d suggest that you don\'t try it yet but go the good old fashined way of Boltgun Metal , Chainmail and finally Mithril silver along the edges.
If you try to make the stages of painting Shadow/Basecolour/Highlight as a starting place then you\'ll find a difference. Eventually you\'ll find the knack of making 5 then 7 then 9 then 11 stages of highlights and then we\'ll be getting worried about how good you are.
All in all the work you have done is nice and neatly painted and shows great promise.
Welcome to the world of CMON and I hope that my suggestions help.