Looking for a part of an old model (WOC 40055)

Hi all. I have had this mini for a long time, but I haven\'t finished it, because someone has lost one pf the pieces. THe piece missing is the lower jaw.

Is there anyone who has this model, unpainted (or unassembled) and who doesn\'t want it? Anyone who can replicate the piece?

Onis Lair

New member
I think, after a quick google search, that he\'s looking for the WoTC Black Dragon miniature that came out around 2001. If so i found one on Ebay
Originally posted by Purgator Sovereign
Hi all. I have had this mini for a long time,

The \"this\" in my original post is a link to the model on CoolMiniOrNot, actually. :rolleyes:

The link is this:


and yes, it\'s the Black Dragon, and OMG! You found it on eBay, and it\'s cheap :D Thank you very much, I will probably bid.

EDIT: Dammit, they don\'t ship to my country :( :evil:


New member
What country are you in?

I am missing the torso. : / i got the rest for free as bits when i worked at a WotC store. :D

If I can find it (in one of my boxes of unpainted minis (the box of box sets), but I do know what the box looks like), and the shipping is not too much, I could get it out to you.

I mostly just wanted the wings as bits. :beer:
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