Thank you all for the replies and PM\'s.
Let me explain more fully here first what I need and I will reply to the PM\'s later on ( xmas shopping day to day )
The two fun sculpts are to be based on my friends photo\'s, I want the face on the mini to look as close as it can to my friends but still keep the theme of either ork or ogre. ( one is for a manager of a Gw and needs to look very cool, think I would want him to be like a ogre hehe )
Now Sanguinius I really want to look the part, and be as close to the way he was supposed to look like in the heresy, I am willing to save up and spend a few 100 pounds on this to get the best sculpt I can afford. Also If I have the money maybe even have an honour guard made also.
Unpainted would be fine, I would like to try and paint him myself I think.
Time scale, we are starting the campain end of feb, but wont need the Primarch\'s untill later on in the campain, most likey the summer when we move from small games to the large battles.
Oh Undave,
If you can find were I can buy them models would be great, I am not completely sold on the mini, but would be a good pratice one for me to learn how to paint him !