Light Comparison Photos


New member
Hey guys, so I was fiddling around with my lights today, and I wanted to get your guy's opinions on these pictures.

Here is my setup:
pic upload

The first two pictures here are taken with no Daylight bulb covering (simple paper towels)
free photo hosting
screen grab

The last two here are taken with Daylight bulb coverings
windows screen capture
free image uploader

I'm not too sure about both of these results. It seems with the covers on(the last two pics), it brings a "cooler" look to it, probably because the light is filtered?

Btw, I am also taking pictures about a foot away, and zooming in to get closer. I am not going right up to the miniature.

Any feedback would be great guys. Thanks


Sven Jonsson
What camera are you using? You should try adjusting the white balance on it, but I can help you with more settings if you give me the model of the camera.


Almost Perftec! Aw, crap.
OKAY! SAFTEY FIRST! Don't use paper towels they will catch fire and burn. Try using wax paper or white baking paper. Second you can try bouncing the light off a white board or something else to tone it down a bit and make it more diffuse.


New member
I don't think it's the camera necessarily, I think it may just be my setup. Looking at the first picture, are the lights in the right spots? I was thinking I should have one right in front of the miniature being photographed.


Sven Jonsson
Yes, as Spacemunkie says. Never use digital zoom... It's no zoom at all. :) If you go closer the camera will have an easier time to adjust the colours.


New member
Thanks for the reply guys.

I invested in a cheap electric turntable, and decided to make a few video's. I might actually just make a video, instead of multiple pictures.

Anyways, here are two videos. The first one being taken by my iphone 6 about a foot away, and using digital zoom. The second one is shot up close to the miniature with digital zoom.

Both have the same lighting conditions. With two lamps with daylight bulbs aimed at the miniature from behind the camera and with some tissue paper covering them.

I personally like the first video better, because there is less of a sheen on the red cloak. In the second video, the sheen is much more pronounced.

Anyways, tell me what you guys think.



New member

Ok, I have one questions for you after reading your replies.
1. What kind of black background are you using behind your minis? Black piece of paper?

I'm going to look into this sketchfab thing as well, I really like the click and drag 3D model thing.
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