With both the DVD's I have, Jen's and Lawrence's, I have my laptop sitting next to me at my painting table. Both vids, the first time I watched them, I pretty much devoted my attention to them and didn't try to paint. But then it was like, I gotta try that! So I'd get to the last chapters but couldn't quite finish them when just watching. I'd paint and have them going in the background like everyone else, but when it came to a particular technique or part of the mini that I was struggling with or didn't understand, I'd pause, re-start it and pay close attention. I'd review that second a couple of times then keep reviewing it as I tried to paint along. One thing I have to be careful of, when watching someone paint, I unconsciously try to mimic their brush strokes. Well, when artists have been doing these techniques for a lot longer than I, mimicking brushstrokes (speed and tempo I guess you could say), isn't such a great idea.
So you might want to keep an eye out for something like that. If you're an astute observer you can pick up the bad habits of someone else just as quickly as the good habits and not even realize you're doing it.
But like the others, I mostly sit and paint with the vid going right next to me. It does make me realize how much fun a painting buddy would be once in awhile.n