Just for the fun of it


New member
I know in the past there was a significant discussion about global warming. There I was looking at articles on the 2008 Election when I saw http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2008/01/temperatures_trending_cooler.html

Sand Rat

New member
Read a piece the other day, that I will try to find where the statistics from the east coast power plant emissions were running 10% under the cap that had been set - so the environmentalists want to lower the cap because it is obviously too high.

Nope, not a religion or trying to control behavior in the least.


Recovering Megalomaniac
And what about the melted (not melting) ice caps?
You know, the (used to be) big glaciers under where the emmissions collect in the atmosphere?
And as far as weather anomolies are concerned, you need to be looking at the WHOLE picture, not individuals incidents.
Sorry but global warming is happening, and the media is doing a wonderful job of confusing the issue.
Not trying to start an argument, just stating my informed opinion. *ahem*

And besides the fact that the pollution is out of control, what about the imminent collapse of our oil-derived economy?


New member
Originally posted by JesterzUSMC

And besides the fact that the pollution is out of control, what about the imminent collapse of our oil-derived economy?

there are other fuel sources out there (they\'ve just been bought up and kept quiet by oil companies) they will just charge whatever they like when te time comes and we have no alternative!


Dorks for Orks
regardless of global warming things need to clean up I see it as more a mental/physical health issue world gets grimmy and cruddy and folk start to be effected by that, I havn\'t checked it out but I\'d bet increases in cancer are linked to the alot of the pollutants in our daily lives. I also think there is some truth to the whole global warming thing I just don\'t put much faith in doomsdayers reminds me too much of chicken little and his falling sky theory :p as for oil running out I ain\'t to worried neccesity is the mother of invention you can already see the starts of it with the silly hybrid cars.


Recovering Megalomaniac
the alternatives are there, they just aren\'t being supported.
There are even better alternative energies besides fuel, and they\'re all unsupported.
Prices will be high, UNLESS there\'s an infrastructure to support the change.

And yes environmental pollution is bad. Even worse in the average home.
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