I mainly have Griffons (though I used to play with Celts and Gobbos too)
My 200 point \'I have used this army before\':
3 Templars
2 Thallions
4 Fusilers
Total : 198 points
My 200 point \'Gimme Guns!\' army:
10 Fusiliers (190 points)
11 Fusiliers (209 points)
My 200 point \'little regiment\':
Abel le Colerique
Standard Bearer
9 Lanciers
Total : 199 points
My 300 point \'slightly larger regiment\':
Same as above but with 17 Lanciers
Total : 303 points
(the two regiments above are mainly for use in Rag\'Narok, but hey, why shouldn\'t I try them out in Confrontation and see how they fare? I like regluar troops!
I do have to wait for the local gaming store to restock in order to build the two armies above...
The 200 pt. Celtic equivalent:
Cron l\'Insoumis
Standard Bearer
14 Celtic Warriors with Shields
Total : 201 points
And they\'re Mercenaries! They fit any army!
My \'completely insane 200 pt Mid-Nor army\':
Akaranseth + Anneau Obscur : 114pts
3 Porteurs de Fleau : 3x18=54
Le Corbeau : 28
Total : 196 pts
Yep, 5 minis for 200 points, call me insane
I don\'t like armies that are too big for Confrontation, but that\'s because most of my armies are always \'heavy in numbers\' and then the \'bookkeeping\' during the game can get a bit tedious...