INtrest in low cost Armetures


New member
Hi guys,

Working on a possible product consisting of low cost armatures. Some questions:

1. How much detail are you looking for in an armature?
2. What price per armature would you pay to make it worth your time?
3. Would you want armatures for different races, ie. Orks, Goblins, Elves, Dwarfs, Horses ect?
4. Would you be interested in different bulking options, I.e Skeleton, Muscle groups, Fully Defined?

Let me know what you guys think, and if this would be better in the general discussion, mods move it please.


New member
Here's some of the problems when I got some of Reaper's old "sculpting dollies" a while back- for one, you are limited to the feet being cast on the base in a set position. Yes, you can cut them off but then structure is lacking. The most infuriating thing is the nature of the material means you have to know what you want to place it in, because repeated movement back and forth breaks off arms and legs easily. And last of all, if you want to put weapons or something in their hands, it requires drilling.
So for me, all of the above reasons is why I make my own armatures from wire and putty- both which are relatively cheap.
Although, the various types of races for armatures sounds like a good idea for a reference.
I guess I just prefer to do things my way. Good luck though!


New member
Here's some of the problems when I got some of Reaper's old "sculpting dollies" a while back- for one, you are limited to the feet being cast on the base in a set position. Yes, you can cut them off but then structure is lacking. The most infuriating thing is the nature of the material means you have to know what you want to place it in, because repeated movement back and forth breaks off arms and legs easily. And last of all, if you want to put weapons or something in their hands, it requires drilling.
So for me, all of the above reasons is why I make my own armatures from wire and putty- both which are relatively cheap.
Although, the various types of races for armatures sounds like a good idea for a reference.
I guess I just prefer to do things my way. Good luck though!

Thanks Chrispy, the design I am working on would solve all those problems and at this stage its looking at around $1 an armature.


New member
Hey Wombat, I'd find them pretty useful even if It was just having one of each size for reference. I tend to find that when I make my own I always end up slightly out of scale or out of proportion, even when using reference images.
I'd happily buy a bunch just to play with poses to be honest, as creating a new one from wire is time consuming, and I tend to play around a lot before I settle on a pose.
I could definitely use some. I looked awhile back for some and, either my searching skills were lacking, or there just weren't many out there. And if the ones that WERE available, they were sold out. So yes, go with it. And as many races as possible would be great. Even maybe a great cat, lizard, dragon, horse etc would be nice for those of us lacking the skill. Thx.


New member
you can cut them off but then structure is lacking. The most infuriating thing is the nature of the material means you have to know what you want to place it in, because repeated movement back and forth breaks off arms and legs easily. And last of all, if you want to put weapons or something in their hands, it requires drilling.

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