Inquisitor Models 54mm

Lord Dionzi

New member
Hey y\'all!

I was told by a corrospondant that I should start advertising my sculpts and larger, more ambitous (?) convertion projects for sale. (Check out for more pics. What do you think?


New member

I think you should be careful there. If you don\'t actually work for GW but are creating original sculpts that are obviously GW, like the lizardman there, and marketing them as such, you might be infringing their IP.

From what I can gather, selling conversions is OK because you have already bought the GW model and bitz. Painting for commissions is also ok because again you have to buy the models from GW again (or your client does) and you are just charging for the service of sculpting/ converting and/ or painting.

If you are concentrating on the sculpting and converting aspects of your sales, I\'d also recommend just posting pics of the greens/ unpainted conversions, rather than the in-progress shots of the models. Because to be honest, you can\'t really see the detail that well under the paintwork.


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