Infantry Spread


New member
That's just the way they were built. Hadross love their Rank 2 models, and you can build a very viable list with nearly all Rank 2.

Why do Nasier and Teknes have only rank 1's in their starter boxes?
Why do Teknes's rank 2 have 3 wounds and not 2?
Why do Sevridan kick so much butt?


New member
If the sales remain good I'm sure we'll see other rank 2 options for the other factions. Maybe even ranks 3s if they can balance them.


New member
I wouldn't want a rank 3. With the way Morale is calculated and combined attacks work, three rank 1's would be almost always superior. They would have to rival the rank 1 specialists for power levels, and I think idea of units of deep callers, or Longhorns, or a squad of 4 Scourge hounge is too silly to allow.


New member
I must say, though... having read through some of the Confrontation rules (the game everyone says this resembles) ... they have Rank 3 troops there as well. But there was only 1 in a unit... which is probably the equal of the Specialists in WoK. The named characters about even out WoK vs Confrontation. Although Confrontation also had other classes like Warmachines and Titans.
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