im lacking painting motivation


New member

\'I know where you live and if you don\'t paint some minis I\'m going to hunt you down!\' :innocent:

How motivational is that?

Seriously though if you don\'t feel like painting then take a rest. There\'s nothing worse than painting a miniature that you hate. Perhaps paint something in your to do list that you have been saving as a painting treat. You could also look outside the regular ranges of minis you do, a change is as good as a rest.

For example most of my stuff is citadel for gaming. To take a break I\'ve done bits of Rackham, Heroics and Ross, Femme militant (still GW, but not warhammer related.) and Runic. I\'ll probably get some Privateer press stuff to do at some point too.

So give yourself a week or two off painting, do something different and your motivation will come back, or you\'ll get so annoyed with your half painted stuff you *have* to go back and get them done.


New member
That\'s freaky DaN, I was listening to Original Prankster by The Offspring, and when I scrolled down to your message the lyric \"You can do eet\" sounded out from the song. :eek:

Tommie Soule

New member
first step is aim to do just three bursh stokes on your project then see how you feel, i garuntee you will just cary on with gusto 9 out of 10 times.
i do any way :D


New member
If you lack your painting inspiration then don\'t paint. It is usually more frustrating to paint something when you don\'t have the proper inspiration and motivation. Once in a while you just need to take a break. I will sometimes go a month at a time without painting just because I need to \"reboot\".

Brother Tom

New member
I started painting miniatures around 15 years ago and i seem to paint for awhile and then stop for long periods of time (breaks of 1 year + sometimes). It can be hard to get back into the hobby, I guess I start worrying whether I can still paint to the same standard once I stop for ahile (which is a bit silly).
What does help though is looking at others work and pictures of my own for inspiration but the only way to really do it is to sit down and just start painting, don\'t aim to high and just start licking those brushes again.
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