Icicles - How do you do them?


New member
I\'m trying out snow bases for my new Eldar tourney army. Once that\'s done i\'m also doing a complimentary Ork army for 40k. Does anyone know how to do convincing icicles. I\'ve heard fishing line dipped in water effect then left to dry if effective but i can\'t find any tutorials online. Any ideas?


Super Moderator
You\'ve hit the answer. Fishing line or Fibre Optic cable dipped in Water effects is the best method I know of and has produced some good examples on here.

Obviously it\'s a case of several Dips and allowing them to dry in between. Dont forget that it\'ll run down the line and possibly drip so have some kind of rack/framework to hold the line. Put it above something you can easily get the dried water effects off and use elsewhere.


New member
what dragonsreach said! also dragoforgedesign sells icicles in his shop :



New member
The best and definitely the easiest method that I\'ve found so far (and I recently used it in the Iron Painter comp), is to;

Coat a blister pack or any other clear plastic with Araldite Clear - (Really mix the Araldite up to get lots of bubbles in it - also, when spreading it onto the plastic, spread it all in the same direction so you get little ridges) - and let it set.

When set, you can cut the icicle shapes out of the plastic - make sure you cut in the same direction as the ridges, so to add to the illusion of water frozen.

Stick your icicle shape(s) to wherever they are required and let the glue holding them set.

Lastly, mix a little more Araldite and add it to the icicles until your desired shape is achieved.

It\'s really quick, really easy and looks really convincing - much better than trying to dribble glue down fishing line (this tends to end up blobby and unrealistic).


New member
I agree with Beelzebrush on the araldite thing did that recently myself too....and I\'ve just finished writing a tutorial on it for Wyrds upcoming e-zine..
rather than using araldite to round it up you can use water effects ..same difference..
The good thing on the Araldite is it dries in seconds-minutes depending on which one you use so you don\'t have to wait for water effects to dry and see if it\'s worked...
heres a piccy in my usual crap hotography style but should give you the idea...
warror priest
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