i want to upload more but...


New member
I really do want to upload more pics as i get done with more models.. but i find myself very scared of what that will result in.

Do i get a 7+ then i am in 7`th heaven . both my submissions atm rate at 7+, and with my parkinson i am buzzed about that. but i do fear getting pounded by you people (no offence) and getting laid low and getting inmotivated if get low low ratings.

So basicly.. should i upload more or not ? i love painting and gaming, i love just to watch the amazing stuff you guys put out and i really do want to show my stuff to but..

Any insight and advice would be welocme here<3


Super Moderator
Scores are regretfully subject to so many variables about the human psyche for voting for or against. (ie asshats voting low)
Don't take them as the be all and end all of the site.
Post pictures up and create a thread in the Discuss submissons forum and you'll get proper feedback there.


New member
Do post more pics on here. It's a fantastic library of images and it's always good to have more to the collection. Try not to get too hung up on the scores ... take them as a general indication over time rather than pour over the result of one picture. As DR says there are many variables that affect the score ranging from asshats (AKA snipers) to being unlucky and posting on a day when there are a whole host of 8-9+ images posted at the same time as yours. Take some of the comments left on your images with a pinch of salt.... many people are quite happy to be rude when they are anonymous posters. For constructive, useful comments post stuff in the forums; you'll get advice from regular users of CMoN.

dogfacedboy uk1

New member
both of the above posts are very true. Dont let scores stop you from posting, 7 is a very good score on this site, many people have high standards so when you get higher, you'll know you earnt it!!! For proper feedback submit your pictures to the forum submission section and in the work in progress where you will get the most useful help, advice and criticism.



New member
What they all said.

The scores you get in your gallery are an indication of what people think at the time, not an indication of the quality of your work. For good feedback that you can really use, start a WIP or just post finished work in the forums. The advice you get here is pretty much all from people who take painting seriously and are very supportive of all painting levels, whether theyre critiquing a golden daemon winner's latest work, or helping a newbie find his feet. Go for it - you wont be sorry :)


New member
First off, you have a HUGE victory painting despite Parkinsons. Congratulations! I struggle with a medical condition that causes hand tremors and sometimes it can get so frustrating! As for the rest, ditto to what has been said above. Don't stress over the scores because you don't know who is out there voting. Here you'll find great support and information. The folks on the forums really care about painting and are more than willing to help out.

So pull up a chair and jump right on in!
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