I have written a VB program to catalog minis


New member
I have written an app that catalogs my minis after reading a couple of different post, I thought hey maybe you all could benefit from it

Let me know if you would ....

TAB Studio

New member
Oh to organize the small lead pieces would be wonderful. Do you have spots for purchase cost labor involved in painting etc?
Please let me know


New member
Yes I included a completion piece that tracks hours to paint and allows a picture of the piece to be added...

If i get enough interest i will make some minor changes to it to create a emo version and post it up....


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Visual Basic it is a fairly simple programming language. That allows you to package the app as an exe or have an install package....:)


New member
Are you going to make this a commercial or shareware application? If not, you might consider making it open source, so that others can help making it better.

Technical question: is it written in VB6 or VB.net?


New member
VB 6 as it is the only copy I own so there is no option for a .net version. I am not sure which way to go as to sell it as shareware or just give the darn thing away. If I sell the product I have the support it including the updates from each miniature manufacture to keep up with any new additions to thier lines. since I have written it to include the manufactures number and pictures of the miniatures. I also added an area where you can add the final copy of your painted miniatures. you can track hours to paint it also includes comments, color choices by manufacturer, original retail price (editable), personal name you give the mini, wish buy list, quantity just to name a few....

I don\'t know i\'m still up in the air....

even if I did sell it it would only be used to support my hobbie could always be traded for.....lol



No matter wich way you go, free or shareware... I really suggest you copyright this asap. It sounds way too tempting an idea for some company to just pick up, especially when you contact them for reference material - I can just see someone going, you want our release schedule for what... hmmm that sounds interesting,,,, its free ware.....


New member

I actually started a thread about this very subject some time ago. You can find it here:


There may be some comments that are relevant to this discussion.


New member
In the name of Linux...

Open source! Open source!

This would be a very useful program, I\'d love to try out a version of it! :)


New member
Originally posted by DennisMech
Open source! Open source!

What does this have to do with Linux?

On topic: Depending on what the outcome of Slider\'s program will be, I am also prepared to write a little program, because I notice a lot of people want this. The first thing I\'ll need is a list of key features.

But maybe we\'ll wait first to see what Slider\'s program looks like.

No Such Agency

New member
I might be misinterpreting your comments but why do you want to hard-code in manufacturers\' cat#\'s and stuff? Why not just let the user input that stuff, it\'d be more versatile (and require fewer updates by you).


New member
yeah, like a set of files (xml?) that can be imported into your application. That way you can offer new files on a site, or let the user edit them.

but I think this is work for a second version :)


New member
Originally posted by No Such Agency
I might be misinterpreting your comments but why do you want to hard-code in manufacturers\' cat#\'s and stuff? Why not just let the user input that stuff, it\'d be more versatile (and require fewer updates by you).

Maybe I have nopt gone into enough explenation as I am trying not to post my vb code here, however any windows based product except for older ones like 95 and 3.1 have the ability natively read a mdb file. This way upgrades will include nothing more then over writing the manufactures.mdb file. Your personal data is saved elsewhere.

As for lynux get a real operating system would ya.....:moon:

Just kidding I work with a number of Unix Snobs and have to poke fun at them whenever I can


New member
Originally posted by finn17
I actually started a thread about this very subject some time ago. You can find it here:


There may be some comments that are relevant to this discussion.

Finn after reading your quote I feel like I would be a heal to try to sell the software, now I need to give this some deep thought as things like this tend to get out of control and I certainly do not want to end up being sued because someone\'s little metal/plastic collection ends up in the tank and now they are a comatose blob...

I do think if I package this correctly I have the ability to possibly charge for support/updates not the original software or you can update the files yourself. if you guys can give me a week and I\'ll post a link to where you can get the app or at least a demo version of it anywho...

Now I\'m off to edit the software into a demo....


New member
Don\'t sell yourself short....

You must get something back for your efforts...If you don\'t fancy asking for cash, how about minis/paints etc.
I don\'t think anyone would object to a small donation thru PayPal for your time at least. You wouldn\'t have to provide a backup service then...
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