How to get better at mini painting?


New member


There\'s a pic of a recent mini painted as well as I could.

Now, please tell how to get better: what new techniques to learn and how to improve current ones? all comments welcome!

Heavy editing there, but I think I got it working:bouncy:


New member
Well I would love to give some advice, but I guess I first have to see that I can get to paint as well as you do... :D


New member
No worries daan, I\'m pretty patient fella. So back next week no? (meaning it really wont take you long to paint minis like mine. I well know my minis will not stand up to the best I\'ve seen in coolmini:()


New member
Experiment, Practice,Fail?, Retry:Experiment, Practice,Fail?, Retry:Experiment, Practice,Fail?, Retry: Repeat untill happy.
No but seriously the only way you can get better is to practice and trying out new stuff. Look at all the articles on this and other sites I\'m sure there will be something that sparks off the old grey matter, Oh, and keep trying

Ovus The Peon

New member
I can tell you what I see that keeps me from scoring you higher....but you\'re a better painter than me, so I\'m not sure I can tell you how to execute.

First, some of the details could stand sprucing up. The leaves on the chest, for example. Darker green base coat and highlights that jump out more. Less shading on the ribbon/mark that goes through the book. Things like that.

Second, I don\'t like the fleshtone but that\'s more a matter of taste. I do think the blending on the face & forearm could be improved, though. Regardless, I think the \'undead elvis inquisitor\' look makes the mini stand out.

Finally, the real strong point of the mini is the freehand in the book. So mebbe try a different angle on the pic to show it off more.

Just the humble opinions of a lesser painter!


New member
Smoke me a kipper....

...I\'ll be back when I\'m at your level and only then will I give you any advice :rolleyes: *tsk*


New member
As it happens.....

Originally posted by tooshy
...I\'ll be back when I\'m at your level and only then will I give you any advice :rolleyes: *tsk*
Tooshy took the words right out of my mouth...;)


New member
wish It could take me only one week to paint has good as this. You have an incredible freehand on the book, I\'m just horrible at doing freehands drwaing so I have given up for now. I\'ll do has tooshy said and go practice a bit more befor giving you any advice. ;)
Be back in a decade...

Originally posted by hullukoira


There\'s a pic of a recent mini painted as well as I could.

Now, please tell how to get better: what new techniques to learn and how to improve current ones? all comments welcome!

Heavy editing there, but I think I got it working:bouncy:

I\'ll be back to give you some advice in about ten years when I can finally paint one as nice as yours. ...:rolleyes:

Grumb :cool:


New member
No criticism of the paint job....

...but I do retain this enduring image of Elvis losing his rag because he has been caught reading a \'jazz mag\':D


New member
the red waist cloak looks kinda flat compared to the great blue cloak in the back. also see how you did some nmm on the cloak, the gold parts, it would be cool to see that exact same effect on his gold armor aka cleaner and nmm looking where it gets darker gold then goes hard lighter gold.

the freehand in the book is scrotum kickingly cool (thats bitchin i think) the gun however just looks simply highlighted like a average tabletop marine. the gun is a huge piece that is sticking way out so its very noticable so smoothing it even if it would end up lighter would be good.


Brushlicker and Freak!
Thats a really good paintjob, especially the book. I think what lets you down is the photography, its a stark photo and its made the highlights look harsh, but you can tell if you saw it in real life it would look sweet.

I think there are minis on here that score higher than yours, that aren\'t as technically well painted, but the flaws are covered up by the photography.
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