How the heck do you paint horns?


New member
Alright... I\'ve got some Tzeentch Chaos warrios (painted in a blue metallic and gold scheme) but I can\'t get the horns to look right. Anyone know of a good way of doing these that doesn\'t look real bland?

Sand Rat

New member
I use a black sequin gloss paint - looks like black horn - then thin it with grey and pearl (white) metallic to get the lower portions of the horns.


New member
Start with some type of buff/beige base color. Wash with an ochre or other brownish yellow color from the base of the horn to about 75-80% of the way up. While still wet, wash the bottom 1/3 or so with raw umber. The ochre and umber wash layers may need to be repeated a few times to get the look you want.


New member
I\'ve had problems with horns also, but I believe if you look here at this article on tyranid bone, you can apply the basics. Last time I used small lines, but I was edging on it looking like wood.


New member
Alot of people use the stripe method.. going from a dark brown to a bone color.. If you look at real horns you can see that alot of them go from bone to dark brown.
Just google for horns and youll find alot..
good luck!


Brushlicker and Freak!
It... Its... ALIVE!!!

Nice spot of Threadomancy there. Whatever did happen to Chrispy?

Wolf Fang

New member
heres something i always found funny... most paint horns on minis like this......

Dark to light....

however.. real horns are the opposite...

so why we paint horns the other way for the most part is something ive always kinna wondered lol


New member
Originally posted by rosac
i generally just \"stripe\" the horns. but hey, you don\'t need to listen to me

Dude I was immature enough to threadomance once or twice, but I\'ve learned my lesson.

On the other hand, you seem to be doing it all the time. I suggest you stop it.


New member
Originally posted by Wolf Fang
heres something i always found funny... most paint horns on minis like this......

Dark to light....

however.. real horns are the opposite...

so why we paint horns the other way for the most part is something ive always kinna wondered lol

I think it\'s because it is visually more impressive and is just \"burnt\" in our system that way.
Like fire, when we first start painting fire, it\'s usually the white to red instead of other way round :)


New member
I do like this: I make a base color of bestial brown. then I highlight all the way up to bubonic brown and then to bleached bone.
the same prinsipe as GW used for shagoth.


hope that helps :)

// Larre

War Paint

Generally similar to above:

Base - bestial brown
layering higher towards point each time - Snakebite leather, VMC Dark Flesh, Bleached Bone, Skull White.

Depending on size of my Horn I will sometimes put combination of colours for intermeadiate shades as well.



New member
Dragon Horns


For this guy\'s horns, I started with a brown/black, then went to Beastial brown, and finished with Bone White.

Teeth start dark at the gum line and get light at the tips, while horns are just the opposite. I wasn\'t sure about the spikes, so I painted them like horns.

Guess I knew that from chasing cows, heh.


Originally posted by AinuLainour
Originally posted by rosac
i generally just \"stripe\" the horns. but hey, you don\'t need to listen to me

Dude I was immature enough to threadomance once or twice, but I\'ve
learned my lesson.

On the other hand, you seem to be doing it all the time. I suggest you stop it.

You\'re joking right? What\'s wrong with digging up an old thread if it\'s relevant to the topic you wish to discuss? Seems okay to me.
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