How I screw up Taggi's gold formula ...Oh and happy easter!

Hard Cover

New member

This is my first go at a NMM that isn't a sword shield or Axe, and I was working on it for a competition that just requires "Easter themed necron" So I started converting and have stripped it 2x with Simple Green. this is the third try and since it's due tomorrow I guess the last try. Since I've taken these photos I've fixed the tail and some of the dark brown contrasts lightening them to match the others. All in all, I think I'm done and will Probably not post any more pics untill after the contest.

C&C welcome. thanks guys.


New member
That mini is awsome. Looking at it has cheered me up and made my day! That mini basically screams easter. It's more easter than the easter bunny!

Your NMM is a bit misplaced though... next time polish the bare metal miniature and put him directly under a light. Then photograph the model from front and back before you undercoat and copy where the highlights on the miniature need to go from your photos.


New member
LOL, sorry yes most of them are plastic aren't they. I've got a few that are metal so that was my mistake sorry. You could undercoat it in boltgun metal and then follow above suggestions. Then either go over this coat with your actual undercoat or strip the model (Dettol or Lysol is a good stripper for plastics).


spray it with this first, Gold Spray, these are WELL shiny, and they do dry quickly
Take your pics of it gold, for SENMM I'd try it out side first see if you can get the Sky/Earth separation, like you see on car badges. Once you are happy with all your reference shots, just prime straight over the gold and you'll have a super smooth surface to paint onto too :smile-big:


New member
Hi guys...

I was a little bit irritated to see my name in a title... after viewing this, I have to laugh! Great idea!

But what does "to screw up" means? I only know normal screws, that you use to link e.g. two board together.

For finding out, where plastic models have their NMM highlights, please coat after Black the mini once with glossy finish and than hold it under a lamp... so it is far easier to achieve a even surface that with one of the metal colours (sorry mickc22).

To find out, where to put the seperator for SENMM, well... that is not quite easy and I have got only a little hint for that. When you have made your reference pictures load them for example into gimp. Now decide (for example on the rips) where the horizon will be reflected. Choose this color with the pipette tool. And select this color in the WHOLE picture with a very smal ratio. There will be some parts selected in the whole mini. There is APROXIMATELLY there, where the horizon will be reflected. Some logical adjustements have to be made additionally. Well... it is NOT PERFECT but a clue.

To improve a little bit your SENNM I have only two suggestion:
Frist: Smother blendings.
Second: A VERY hard line between Scorched Brown und WHITE for the horizon...

Unfotunatelley, I cannot tell you more to SENMM, because I still did not understand it. It was hard enough for me, to paint this chrome cannon, but to paint this in shiny gold: :bulgy-eyes:

Though my long text: I love your conversion!

Greetings, Taggi

Hard Cover

New member
"Screw up" is a bit more crass way to say "Mess up" or "do wrong". I'm probably just being hard on myself as when I turned it in, I got lots of OOhhs and Ahhhs and a couple giggles. OUt of the other entries it looks like I'm winning (Hello Eldar battle force) but some more entries may be turned in tomorrow.


Trust me, you spray a mini with the enamel chrome and the surface of a black mini, even with gloss on it will look like the Rocky Mountains in comparison :smile-big:

For those who want more info on painting reflective surfaces, the Articles by William Li over at Elfwood are really informative. I'd recommend reading both, the fast metal and the more in depth article that follows
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