How do the crawlers work on Season 3?


New member

I've heard that some of you already received the season 3 and I was wondering how the crawlers work... I know that they appear when you get a 1 when you kill other types of zombies. However I still have some questions...

How are crawlers priority order? How is the skinner priority relative to the existing zombie types?

Do the crawlers move? Or do they stay on the same zone that they appeared?

Thanks in advance!


New member
Crawlers are last on the list in the same spot as zombie dogz. And skinners are in the same spot as their standard zombie counter parts. Crawlers have 1 action like most every other zombie.


New member

But if I have standard and skinners on the same zone, which one should be targeted first?

For the others zombies are: toxic, standard and berserker. I imagined that skinners would be between toxic and standard.

Another question: are there crawlers on the regular spawn card? Or they only spawn in beds or when you have 1 on dice?


New member
Don't have book on me right now but if I remember right Skinners are treated as standards for targeting (just like VIPs) so if you have a skinner and a standard in the same zone and you shoot at them, you can choose which to hit.

The crawlers only spawn with bed cards and the roll of 1s. Pretty sure anyways. Will have to look through the spawn cards when I get home.


New member
Thanks a lot for your response!

Just wondering: in my thoughts, I think it make sense (based on game mechanics) that the skinners are targeted first. The reason is that if you have 1s on your dice roll, you can choose the standards, and if you didn't you choose the skinners. So, to be fair, I think that it would be good if there is a defined order...


New member
Going by the expanded chart in the back of the RM rule book. Skinners and Standards share the same spot. So if you shoot in to a zone with 1 standard and 1 skinner with a shotgun and roll a 6 and a 1. You can choose to kill the standard so you don't spawn a crawler.


New member
I think that it will be cool if the skinners are targeted first, because it will enhance the probability to spread crawlers. Additionally, I think that VIP should be after the standards, since it has a price if you can defeat a number of them.

Is there any other new rules for Season 3? It has cars? Is there new car types?

What about the characters? Is there some with a initial skill that can make a difference?


New member
Honestly, after AN and VIPs show up you will have some hard choices to make come attacking walkers. Seekers, Skinners, VIPs, and standards are all in the same priority slot. So if you have all of them in your spawn deck and are unlucky enough to have all in the same zone, you will have to make the hard choice of which to kill.

No cars in RM, some of the rules have been errata to take into account the chance for competitive mode.

Make a difference how. Some of the starting skill are nice( at least I like them. Free Reloads is the bomb) but depends on how you play.


New member
Thanks a lot for your responses!

If there is no cars on season 3, and I know that La Guilhotine is a pimp weapon, is there another way to get pimp weapons?


New member
Not in the base game. They say you can put La Guillotine in the pimp deck if you want to bring it into earlier seasons, but in RM it is used in specific missions.


New member
I like a lot the pimp weapons because they are stylish, but I don't think at all that they are overpowered, since there are other weapons on the equipment deck that are better than them. Really surprises me that this cool weapon is only used in specific missions...

I hope the VIP zombies bring more of these weapons to the game!
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