How can you highlight black power armor?


New member
I want to do a Raven Guard Space Marine army, but I have hit a hitch. As simple as it sounds I can\'t for the life of me make my black power armor look right. I\'ve tryed a line of codex grey around the joints but it doesn\'t look right, if I highlight with a dark blue it looks too blue, not black. Blending would take to long on so many models, so would maybe a thinner line of grey work, my first one was a little thick, or mix some grey and black so it isn\'t so abrupt? I would just leave the armor un-highlighted but it doesn\'t look right. Nothing seperates the plate joins then. Thanks for any help.

El Guardian

New member
well i think i can help. i usually highlight it with a mix of vallejo Dark Blue (930) and Pale Greyblue (907) the proportions depend on the final result but it makes the armour look halfway betwen the dirty look of white or grey and the blue look of plain blue. try it and tell us how you feel about it :flip:


New member
Yeh, all you\'ve gotta do is go out and get yourself some grey apple barrel etc. paint that\'s halfway between codex and black. You could also mix it up, but with a whole army, you probably wanna have a premixed paint ready to go.

Here\'s a pic of an emperors champ I\'m working on who has black armour. I tried lotsa subtle blending, but in the end, all ya see on the black armour is the sharp highlights (the rest looks like lighting) Try putting a bit of fortress gray on the sharpest edges. The edge highlights are a good example of how it can look if you put a couple of darker coats of gray on first ,before the codex.....I\'ve never found that codex is a good step up from black.

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