House Rules


New member
We are beginning to add some house rules.

The first is that when a hero is KOed by a deck cannon, they drop their coins.

We may have missed this, but I believe you can rig over the Kraken. We think that if the role is successful, the Kraken get's a chance to block the rig. We haven't figured out the details yet, but we're going to roll to see if the Kraken knocks you overboard.

Finally, see the thread about having to spawn deck hands toward an objective that has been defeated and that (in the case of Brise Sanguine) the opponent doesn't need to spawn to anymore. We're probably going to create a way to allow one player to skip deploying deck hands to a spawn point opposite one that your opponent first skipped deploying to.


New member
We modified the house rule so that when a player is KOed by anything other than an enemy hero, they drop their coins. The Kraken KOed a hero.
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