horse sculpt wip

ive always drawn horses in my career as an artist so its only been a matter of time before i tried to sculpt one lol.
heres a wip of it so far, i think its going to be roughly the same size as the GW elven horses when i finish bulking out all the muscles and everything on the legs, what has been done so far is just filler so i can do the details on top. ive been asked to do a series of these which might get released as a set though thats not for definate yet. its based on a photo of a stallion from a stud farm a freind of mine works at.


comments and crits welcome though bear in mind theres still a lot of work to be done, im just letting the putty dry first


New member
I was sure I replied to this earlier...
My posts disappear sometimes... ??? :p

No, sorry that was the one in the general discussions :rolleyes: :D

Looks good so far :)
I hope you keep doing sculpting WIPs as there aren\'t that many, and it\'s nice to see how you build it up :)


New member
Nifty - as someone who\'s working hard on improving his own sculpting at the moment, it\'s always nice to see stuff like this, most inspiring.


this is looking sweet

you might find this interesting:

I know it\'s not a horse as such, and not just one
yet another update.
its not as good as id like yet but its starting to get there, ive worked on one side a lot more then the other. he still needs to be a bit fatter to be able to have the average warhammer scale rider sit on him and his neck and shoulder are way too flat on one side. im happy with the proportions at the moment though.
im aware theres still some muscles on the jaw need adding on one side.


thanks for the sculpting link mickc22, its just a pity it wasnt a bit longer. interesting stuff though and theres some good horse sculpting videos on youtube.


New member
coming along great.... you really make me want to step aside from the paint for a while and do some sculptng.. great stuff..


that\'s ok, yeah, they all seem a little short no matter what you\'re watching

looks like you\'re making some good progress there



Looking good so far, there is always a market for good horses. GW\'s are poo on the whole.

You should cast it!


New member
Wow.. I saw some of you drawings and I must say that they are amazing. Can\'t wait to see you do a freehand on a banner or something. :)

The sculpt is coming along nicely. I am not good at sculpting myself so I don\'t really have any good piece of advice for you.

Amazon warrior

New member
Sqeeee! A pony! :D Looks like he\'s coming on really well- I\'d buy on if he becomes available. What breed is the stallion he\'s based on?

Edit: There\'s more of the tutorial. If you click on the link that says \"More from CricketsCreations\" to the right of the video clip, you\'ll find links for the other 9 videos.
Originally posted by Amazon warrior
Sqeeee! A pony! :D Looks like he\'s coming on really well- I\'d buy on if he becomes available. What breed is the stallion he\'s based on?

Edit: There\'s more of the tutorial. If you click on the link that says \"More from CricketsCreations\" to the right of the video clip, you\'ll find links for the other 9 videos.

thanks :) hes an arab i think thats the photo hes based on.

hes on hold for a bit whilst i finish a new terror bird cimmision though
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