Hmm Painting help with Gargantuan Squiggoth


New member
Just got the Gargantuan Squiggoth and need some advice please.

how would be best to go about painting this beast, should I dry brush the scales or should I paint each scale?

any other tips on painting this model ?



New member
How well do you want to paint it. Drybrushing is for quickly getting minis on the table. Although if done correctly with washes etc it can be a valid technique. BrushGuy uses dry brushing and his stuff is awesome. Personally I would paint each one.


New member
IMO, I think if the drybrushing is done with care, it will look fine. Depends on how much you rush the drybrushing though. Once you drybrush it, you can always go back and touch up with scale to scale painting. I would use a combination of both to the technique. But if you do great detail work on the rest of the mini, the scales really won\'t be a central focus anyway. There are tons of little details that I would concentrate on to bring out as eye catching, but the scales wouldn\'t be one of them (maybe a few select areas of the scale).
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