Highlighting Charadon granite??


New member
I\'ve decided to do my \'Gutter Runner\' capes in Charadon Granite, rather than black, but am a bit stuck with what colour to mix in with it for a highlight.

I\'ve used 50/50 granite and black for shade and then granite for mid range, I was thinking of either mixing commando kahki or a grey in for the highlight, before giving the whole thing a black wash to smooth it out.

Anybody got an good suggestions, thanks in advance :)


New member
I think it all depends on what look you are going for with it. You can use anything from commando khaki as you said, to bleached bone, codex gray, or even elf flesh. Try them all out on a piece of paper even and see which end result you like better.


Shogun of Saskatchewan
I\'m a strong advocate of Charadon Granite/Bleached Bone. I paint all my skulls and bones that way and I think it\'s a slick combination for anything.


New member
Originally posted by NGArtStudios
You can use anything from commando khaki as you said, to bleached bone, codex gray, or even elf flesh. Try them all out on a piece of paper even and see which end result you like better.

In addition to this sage advice, never be afraid to try adding just white to mix a lighter version of something. If it doesn\'t look right often it just needs a little dot of something else to tweak.

This is essentially what you\'re doing with any of the lighter colours like Elf Flesh or Codex Grey which are mixtures of white and other pigments.



New member
Just to add my two pennies worth and to maybe invoke some other artist opinions:

I use codex grey for highlighting charadon, just quite heavily watered down building it to a fairly small lighter highlight.

Then I find a wash of badab black helps to tie it all together and darken the finish a little.

However as mentioned before it depends on the style to be achieved, i prefer a more cartoony look.


New member
A further 2 bits from the penny gallery.

Chardon Granite (which I use A LOT) is unique because it is a brown and grey combo. When I highlight it, I have to choose if I want to envoke more of a grey feel or a brown feel. If I want brown then Bleached Bone as mentioned before is a great way to go, if I want a grey feel the of course codex grey is a good option.

On a non-related, but seperate note, if you thin Chardon Granite to a thin wash and lather it on a model you will see the two seperate qualities/colors apear quite clearly after the paint dries.

Good luck!


New member
I use Charadon Granite alot! It shades alsorts of colours, its great because its a brown, green, grey combo.

In addition to mentioned colours, you can highlight with green too. Rotting Flesh would work too.


New member
a york shop tip here- for black orc skin, statrt w/ charadonite granite, highlight w/gobbo green, and fine highlights w/ gobbo green+ Bleached bone.

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