Highlighting Black Armor, Quick response Needed.


New member
first off a lil\' background on this venture. i am making an ork \"counts as\" army. its going to use the deathwing rules but its all orks in mega armor, 2 land raiders and a venerable dread. the ork klan is bad moonz, so armor will be yellow with checks and blue highlights.

the army is all painted, EXCEPT for the \"masta of sanktity\"

i want my chaplain to have black mega armor, but im not familiar with highlighting black armor. should i:

1. just hit it with a coat of \'ardcoat?
2. Hightlight with greys, ending at white?
3. Highlight with greys, ending at light grey?
4. Hightlight with another color?

im totally lost, and i want to get this army on the table saturday.

please help CMON.


New member
1:1 Chaos black : Shadow Grey
Shadow Grey
1:1 Shadow Grey:Spacewolf Grey

Don\'t go too crazy. I like the blue/grey approach, some like grey/greens/browns. Depends on the look you\'re after really, if it\'s metallic then keep the highlights small and to the edge.

Shawn R. L.

New member
It\'s your pick. The further you go toward white the more it will look shiny. Less and it\'s duller. A touch of color in the grey can add some interest.
Black is one of thise tough colors to paint because if you push it to far it ends up looking gray and not black. In all honesty on a black surface almost all of it should remain black with just the edges getting the highlights. The colors Arma suggested are good colors for something \"cool\" in appearance . Id use a ivory and skull white for a warmer appearance. You can glaze black with a blue ink to get a little shine to your armor.


New member
you know you could try what comic artists use and that is robin egg blue. look at robins hair on a comic or his nightwing outfit i would try that since it is not the standard.


New member
My own theme:
1. Chaos black(GW)/Dark Sea Blue(MC) 2/1
2. --//-- 1/2
3. pure Dark Sea Blue (MC)
4. Dark Sea Blue(MC)/Andrea Blue(MC) 3/1
5. prevous mix + little Skull White(GW)
each next mix contains more and more Skull White

P.S. GW - Citadel Color Paints
MC - Vallrjo Model Color

P.P.S. Sorry for my very bad English:)


New member
i simply mix up shadow gey and black, and add more shadow grey as i go along. p.s i like the idea for the army
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