Hestras Inspire and Disengage


New member
As per the card, "When this model finishes it's Maneuver, it may force a model within 4" to move up to 2"

The questions are,

Does this move allow the model to disengage another friendly model, or is the friendly model stuck in place?

Can this move be done after attacking to reengage another model?

Can this ability be used to target itself, effectively giving them an extra 2" move?


New member
1. You can move. Forced movement ignores the disengage cost.

2. Not unless you destroyed the model. If you didn't you broke the engagement during that movement so you may not engage again in the same movement.

3. I would rule yes, since it's still a friendly model within four inches.

Hope this helps!


New member
1. You can move. Forced movement ignores the disengage cost.

2. Not unless you destroyed the model. If you didn't you broke the engagement during that movement so you may not engage again in the same movement.

3. I would rule yes, since it's still a friendly model within four inches.

Hope this helps!

Hmm, thats what I thought. As for the second one, based on the third one's answer, you could move 1 out and then force another friendly model to engage. Hell you could move an enemy model into yours or move him out depending on the case.

This is just too ridiculous of an ability without any limitations. And then there is her training....


New member
You can do some interesting things with this Inspire. I've seen someone locomotive a Shieldbreaker 22 inches before it activated, combining the Scourge Hounds Follow me with this (4"+4"+2"x7) Then it activated and howled at 4 guys...

Hestra is the best leader for Goritsi IMO. She has so many tricks that she can pull she can really get a lot out of her fairly fragile troops. Korrad is just a strong beatstick, and Hob isn't bad, but his training is situational.

Thing is, pretty muh every House has a least 1 leader that makes you say "Wow, that's nuts!"


New member
Qucik question because the card may be different: The rules PDF (all I have access too) says you have to move an enemy model 2", not "a model" Did it get changed on the card, or has there been some shenanigains!


New member
Qucik question because the card may be different: The rules PDF (all I have access too) says you have to move an enemy model 2", not "a model" Did it get changed on the card, or has there been some shenanigains!

The actual card says "force 1 enemy".


New member
As Compel is a Will attack, you cannot target your own models with it. Good to know Hestra's Inspire also limits the silliness to just affecting enemies.
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