Help With Winter Wood Elf Color Scheme


New member
Ok guys looks like joe is using a lot of white obvious for winter elves looks like hes going from codex up through fortress up to the white.

Now i found these and i want to know what people think:


Which have a lot of very sharp blues im thinking this is enchanted im not sure and finally found these:


Now i really like the last ones but i am having trouble figuring out how he got the slight blue into the cloth is it something like space wolf or has he dropped a tiny bit of icy in a grey or something?

So any ideas of whats paint for what area would be great.

Need some help guys and a lot of you are very good painters.


New member
Looks like shadow grey which is a dark grey blue color. Just looks like a base of shadow grey worked up to white. The shadow grey showing through subsequent layers is where the blue tint comes from.

I don\'t like the yellow in the bottom ones though. It takes away from the cool tones in the rest of the color scheme.


New member
I\'d say shadow grey as well... using ice blue and space wolves to lightne it..
basically for winter the best thing to do is limit the pallette as much as you can .. This way it also sells the relative starkness of winter.....

select colours generally in the blue and turquoise range and use space wolves and skull white to do the highlights..

so a basic colour selection would be scaly green (VMC Scurf green is a good replacement ) hawk turquoise shadow grey space wolves grey ice blue and white...

metallics I\'d almost always stick with silver on winter models glazed with blues and greens....or even purple.

the key is whatever colour you use is to set a tone...
to do this you need to brig a commo colour into every part of the painting .. so for example .. in the flesh add a touch of hawk turquoise to the basecoat and use space wolves grey i the highlghting , do this through the whole model.. so brown leather add turquoise into the base ad use space wolves grey in the highlight..Try it it\'s good fun and helps sell winter well.

daemon boy

New member
on the top lot of nancy boys, there are two main colours, one being shadow grey, highlighted by either mixing white in, or spac wolves grey.
the other is enchanted up to ice blau :)

btw i was actually thinking of doing my nancy-tree-hugging-boys in winter colours also, great minds think alike, eh ? :p
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