Help with sculpting


New member
Hey guys, first time posting here. I am sculpting a head for a conversion I am doing, but I just can\'t seem to even get a good starting shape! Basically what I want is like a full face mask (think Vega from streetfighter 2). It\'s at GW Inquisitor scale, I\'m using Greenstuff and a whole range of sculpting tools. Any help?
Cheers in advance


New member
that article was really helpful and all, and now I think I know how to get the basic shape. New problem though, how do I get the sharp raised line down the middle of the mask, whilst being smooth either side? Sanding? This will be my first real sculpting attempt, so I apologise if I\'m asking lots of dumb questions lol

green stuff

New member
I\'m sorry; I missread your initial question. I thought you also wanted to sculpt the face.

Do you have a >>shaper<<? Since you\'re using GS, you\'re going to have a hard time sanding/filing (it can be done but it can tear up so it\'d be best to do that with miliput). Instead, use a shaper to smooth out the GS and give it the shape you want. You\'ll have to rework the GS every 20-30 minutes because it bulks out while curing. Hope that helps.
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