help with scouts and help me pick a new chapter


New member
Well, I thought I might as well get round to painting these marines I have lying around and trying to use my neat painting that i\'ve been attempting to do on an army. However I\'m not sure of what chapter to do. They are sprayed white, so it needs to be light colours preferably. I was thinking ultramarines but when i tried to paitn a scout ultra I found iut really hard to keep it neat.

The problem was that I had all the basecoats down, then i blacklined but because the little pouches boots and straps are blakc this looks messy, so I went over that. I then did an ink wash, worked fine apart from the bone white trousers where it didnt work atall. so now it looks really messy, any ideas? I was thinking a different chapter would maybe work better I dont know.

anywhere here are the pics so you can get a better idea of what has gone wrong.

I actually went over the wash, but it still looks bad.



I was thinking that maybe the basecoat wash highlight method dosent work on marines and maybe theres a better way, any ideas?

Please help me,



Coffin Dodger / Keymaster
blacklining has to be really thin to work right or they look cartoonish. In addition, don\'t use black - use a very dark version of the base color (dark blue on the armor).

A thin, dark, shadow-color wash should help, then come back and do the highlights again to make them shine.


New member
As airhead says, only use black if your basecoat is real dark.. and thin those paints and make 2/3 passes, not just one.

Watch out for the mould lines too!


New member
I don\'t think your example is actually that bad - yes it\'s messy in palces, and the highlighting needs building up a bit more, but overall I\'d say it\'s a sound 5-6 votewise.

As for picking a new chapter, why not make your own? Then you could mix up whichever colour schemes you like (I\'d recommend no more than 2-3 colours in a scheme though)


Coffin Dodger / Keymaster
I like the off-white pants - other than the flesh wash blob down by the boot on the inside of his left leg.

Thin some lighter blue, do a highligt. Clean up around the hair line/ear. Do something with the lens on the scope. Finish the base and Bob\'s your uncle. Shoud be a solid 5-6 - well suitable for good tabletop.

Want to go a bit further (you can always to \'just one more thing\' on these things). Put a dark ink wash on the pistol (blue/black ink - very thin OR some Tamaya Smoke)

the dark angel

New member
the scouts armour is very light (i give my ultramarines a wash of GW regal blue) it works also after the wash you highlight the armour with GW ultramarine blue and skull white in a 3:1 mix other that that it is good for gameplay but you need to touch it up a bit:~( .

p.s :work on your shadeing
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