Help with colours :: Bretonnians


New member
Hey guys,

Having seen (and still following) Matt\'s Bret thread over in the WIP section. I\'m going to get stuck into my Brettonains very soon. I want to go for a more stylized approach; almost celshaded (?) using 3 colours only for each part and very definitative lines between each colour.


I had a look around and having mailed the artist for this one and getting no reply (they\'re polish and I mailed in English so I shouldn\'t really expect a reply!) This is the kind of effect I\'m looking for.




I\'m quite interesting in the NMMs here (steel and gold) as well as the greens.. I\'m having trouble thinking which is which colour though so I\'m trying to match them to Citadel, Vallejo or P3 paints. If I can I want to paint without mixing for consistency.

Steel: Shadow Grey > another blue grey ?? > Space Wolf Grey or Astronomicon Grey.

Razza Steel: Fenris Grey, Codex Grey, Fortress Grey, Bleached Bone.

Gold: Snakebite Leather/Bestial Brown > Bubonic Brown > Menoth White Base or Bleached Bone or Vallejo Ivory.

Green: Catachan > Snot Green > Goblin Green (maybe..?)


New member
Looks like a good scheme to shoot for. I like that style so this should be fun to watch :)

My advise is to mix colors. Don\'t do it on the palette but take some spare pots and make custom mixes in there. That way you get exactly what you need rather than having to substitute a similar color.

Here\'s my advise for green: Catachan Green, 50/50 Catachan and Goblin, Goblin Green. I wouldn\'t use Snot Green as it is very vibrant and on the blue side, where the other two greens are more neutral, it will just look funky.

Other color recipes look good.

For making clean layering I would recommend that your first highlight only be slightly lighter than your base color. Be more broad with the stroke size. Your second highlight can be much lighter provided that you paint it on the edge only. This helps make it more pleasing to the eye.



New member
Great advice, Matt!

For such a bold contrast in colours how thin you do you take your paint and how many layers per highlight? I generally thin at least 1:1 as a rule of thumb but might be able to thin slightly less in this case.


New member
I thin it slightly, probably not even 1:1. Just enough so that I\'ll only need one coat with most colors. (Certain colors will need to be thinned more, such as yellow or white).

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