Help me to start my first Conf game!


New member
Yess!!! I\'ve finally found a guy, who want\'s to play Confrontation and has minis for it! But... There is a few problems:
1) He\'s a mini painter (GOOD one) and he bought just few minis here and there
(3 Orc Crossbows, 2 Fiannas + something else). No problem - my Griffins will fight with Orc+Fiannas+Mid-Nors+God knows what(just first try...).
2) He bought them in French :(
Could you give me card translations for Fiannas and Orc Crossbows, plz ?

We\'re gonna play at next week\'s sunday - I\'ll try to make battle report, if anyone interested in this odd battle(there will be few of them, I suppose...) :flip:
I will mention it one more time:
YESSSS!!! lol :duh: :D


Hi XeeN,

Well, the translation shouldn\'t be too difficult;

Furie Guerriere = War Fury (on the Fianna)
Brute Epaisse = Brute Force (?; the ability to treat a 5 rolled as an Attack Roll (the To-Hit-roll) as a 6 which you can reroll)

\"Arbalète /FOR 6, portée 10-20-40\" = Crossbow/ FOR 6, range 10-20-40

All the rest is basically not immediately needed (like \"Clan de Sessairs\" means that the fiannas are part of the Sessairs Clan, but that\'s only important if the player using the fiannas is going to play with a Guerrier Spasme (the guy that transforms in a kind of werewolf when one of his Sessair buddies die)...

So the Fianna and the Orc Crossbow are pretty basic troops which don\'t need too much translation :D

Hope this helps,



New member
I think \"Brute Epaisse\" is \"Brutal\" in the English versions. It\'s a really nice skill though not so how for the crossbow guys.

The Fiannas and the Crossbow Orcs are great figures. They should give a fun game :)


New member
The anwers was right. So no great trouble.
Furie guerrière allow the fianna to have 3 dices but all in attack.
Brute épaisse allow to count 5 like 6 (and then reroll) on attack dices

Is it possible to have pictures in the battle report ? if you both are good painters, it could be very nice i think. :)


New member
Xeen, perhaps you\'d need the English translation at the rackham site:

But I don\'t know if it has all the translations...


I think the site you need to see is:

this has all the cards in french and english. Rule translations etc...

Good Luck


New member
Elyoukey, there\'s a bit of problem...

I think I can bring VERY GOOD dig. camera. But we don\'t have time to paint minis (I have some - I\'ll gonna paint my Mid-Nor Sentinel, then want to start Reaper New Year\'s mini \"Sophie kisses a snowman\" (this mini ROCKS!!! You should buy one (or another, with \"Sophie-Santa\" or awesome limited ed. 58mm.)!).
So 80-90% of the forces will be unpainted(right now, only Fiannas are finished -- others are not even glued together).
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