Greater Devil


New member
This is my latest miniature, rather big, that\'s a 50mm base. I might just note this is my last \"old school\" mini for a while. I know lots of you like my style as much as I do but I was convinced to try some heroic 28mm styles. Tis next series will be 7 minis all very standard and proportioned with attention to muscle and skelletal structures. Just thought I\'d share the last of the old style guy\'s. I am not stoping these just a little break for something new. Anyway, on with pictures.

This is the first time I painted with a flow medium and did not dip the miniature. I think it turned out well and as you can see there is so much detail he paints himself.




Here is the link with 12 pictures in total:


New member
Originally posted by cmkinsac
great paint job, and THEN you had to ruin it. :[ Why did you coat it and make it shiny. Why? :(
Not sure how it happened? I used a spray matt varnish. I\'m not very experienced with painting so could someone explain?


Super Moderator
It could be either just a bad batch of matte varnish, or you just didn\'t shake the can up enough.

I\'d try shaking the hell out of it, and trying again.

The demon is freakin cool!


New member
Originally posted by freakinacage
are you sure it was it matte or satin varnish?
It said Matt on the can. I shaked it good but that is probably it. It\'s a fairly old can so I might need to do that again and spray it. If I spray a second time would it ruin it?


Sven Jonsson
I wouldn\'t say it\'s ruined! :) It looks pretty spiffy glossy as well. Any matt varnish will dull down gloss varnishes so no problem if you want it more matt. In fact many gamers use gloss varnish first and then a layer of matt to better protect the miniature as gloss is more durable. Always try on another miniature you don\'t care about, or just a small piece of something you have painted before spraying it directly on the new miniature though.

I have to say the paintjob is really good, Well done! :) I haven\'t seen the miniature before... it\'s pretty cool as well.


New member
Thanks everyone for the comments and suggestions they will help me a lot with the next ones I paint. I started the new miniatures today and using a skelleton I am sculpting has helped a lot. They are proportionate and much more dynamic than any of my others already just from the waist down. I can\'t wait to sculpt these and get them cast up so I can try painting them. I know this is not painting but thought I\'d share just so you can get an idea how the new style will not be like this old school sculpt. :beer:


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