Got my brushes! Review upcoming...


New member
I got the brushes I ordered from Rosemary and Co. today. I am going to use them over the weekend to paint a contest miniature and finish up a Space Marine squad. When I get a new camera I will post pics here. I will say this, at first glance they sure look good. Those points look as fine as I have seen.

Highbulp Billy

New member
Got mine this morning :bouncy: so I\'m looking forward to finding some time to paint tonight. Must say I was very impressed by the little \"thank you\" note that was included with the delivery, felt that was a nice touch. I\'ve already recommended them to a friend just because of that... they\'d better be good brushes now!


New member
Waiting for mine. I hope I\'m not disappointed, between my sister-in-law, a friend and myself, it came to £59 worth of brushes.


New member
is there a link somewhere for ordering these brushes..feel like I\'ve missed a thread.
look forward to the review...:drunk:


New member
cool cheers for that..damn that\'s a lot of brushes ..Keighley\'s only round the local buisness and heres me search the WWW for brushes.

Highbulp Billy

New member
Managed an hour of painting time last night with the new brushes and have to say I\'m very impressed. Considering they were about the same price as \"brand x\", they just handled so much better and I felt a lot more confident using them. All of a sudden the paint started going where I wanted it to for a change lol


New member
Well, mine arrived today, a 0 and a 1. After a quick session with them, I\'d say the Rosemary & Co brushes are a notch above DaVinci Maestro brushes, and a hell of a lot cheaper too.

They are longer and thinner than the same-size Series 7s. They hold a bit less paint, which I prefer, but also seem to have less \'snap\'. I\'m impressed enough to recommend Rosemary\'s brushes as a much less costly alternative to the Series 7\'s, but not enough for them to replace my Series 7\'s.

The other brushes, some Chungking bristle and mongoose brushes are absolutely beautiful, though. The mongoose fan blender is the nicest fan I\'ve ever seen - it\'s thick and full. I\'m positive my sister-in-law will love it. :)


New member
I was looking at the photos of the brush head and it looks like they don\'t have the normal ferrual. Are there any issues about the hair falling out or the ferrual coming undone?


New member
Originally posted by Modderrhu
...They are longer and thinner than the same-size Series 7s. They hold a bit less paint, which I prefer, but also seem to have less \'snap\'. I\'m impressed enough to recommend Rosemary\'s brushes as a much less costly alternative to the Series 7\'s, but not enough for them to replace my Series 7\'s...

That\'s good to know, I was considering trying the Rosemary brushes but the \'longer and thinner\' bit has put me off somewhat. My big stubby fingers don\'t want thinner and I don\'t care for my brushes being to long at all.


New member
@Mathew: Rosemary says on her web site that her brushes may shed for a bit, though they do have a quite normal ferrule. Crimped once, not twice.

@MPJ: I\'ll take a pic of Rosemary\'s 33\'s and some Series 7\'s tonight, and post it here.


New member
Okay, from left to right:
A - Rosemary\'s 0
B - Series 7 0
C - Rosemary\'s 1
D - Series 7 1

Looking at the pic, I can see why I prefer Series 7 still; the belly of the brush isn\'t as far forward as it is with Rosemary\'s.



New member
Great pic of the brushes. Though it\'s back to making my decision harder. ???

Based on what I see there I\'d say I like the Series 7 size 0 better but I\'d like the Rosemary\'s size 1 better.

Her size 0\'s tip seems a touch long but you did mention some superior snap to the bristles which I suspect could make up for the weaker looking tip.

If only I lived in the UK, I\'d drive up to her spot and take a direct gander at them. The biggest advantage to the Series 7 is I can go to the store, pick up the specific brush I intend to buy, lick the bristles to test em (yes, I stick the dang thing in my mouth before purchasing) and take the one I want.
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