Gladiator\'s Workbench


New member
Hello CMON Goers!

For as long as I can remember I have always held an awe for the miniature, whether they be Train Scale, Commercial hobby kits, etc. It was only relatively recently in my life that I became interested in the idea of converting and self-sculpting 28 mm wargaming miniatures for no other reason than the sake of sculpting them. It is my dream to one day be able to create my own line of miniatures to sell to the public. The road to that is however, long and difficult, but I felt that today I would begin on that journey.

Like most Americans, I have almost exclusively encountered miniatures created by Games Workshop- They are the largest company for 28 mm miniatures. Dark Elves in particular have held a certain fascination for me- I think they are extremely well sculpted models, from the elegantly sculpted (if not game breaking) executioner, to the savage hydra. The fluff is also interested for me, and I love the way it has evolved from 5th edition to its current state. I am recently getting into chaos dwarves as well, for some odd reason. I suppose the entire world fascinates me and has dictated my ideas on what fantasy should be.

As of late, however, I have begun to create my own fantasy setting- The archetype races are there, but are slowly being altered into something new. This is where my dream comes in- I want to sculpt the races and peoples from this new setting. As an added bonus, selling them would be nice.

My project log will not have a particular theme beyond sculpting- I am not going to focus on sculpting Dark Elves, or Dwarves, or what have you. Rather, I will create what I feel an interest in at that moment, and move on from there. I also hope to experiment with new techniques that I think would help the miniature sculptor create new and exciting miniatures that were previously thought out of reach in it\'s level of detail. This is really the epitome of a blog- random bits and bobs thrown together with some vague idea of an overarching theme.

I am looking forward to getting lots of comments and constructive criticism from the community, as I feel this is the only way I will improve. Please tell me what you think of the work I\'m about to present.

So, I suppose to start out, a link to my old sculpting attempts- the left sidebar has links to more of my work than what is displayed:

An image of my second self-sculpted miniature, sans wings (Though completed and painted, this miniature has since been destroyed by an unfortunate series of events):


And now, images of extensive conversions I am creating:

Dark Elf Disciple of Khaine: A work to see how finely I can sculpt small detail, and how much stuff can be crammed on one miniature! I will also try some interesting techniques to make an elaborate Driach for this miniature.


Chaos Dwarf Warrior: Using the BfSP dwarves, I wanted to make a small band of chaos dwarf warriors. This is my test sculpt- I incorporated some ideas for Georc\'s Chaos Dwarf sorcerer , especially in the kinda big hat (not sure if you can find it on CMoN).


Ogre Maggot: older sculpt- please help me figure out how to finish it! Probably will end up selling him and his two brothers once complete


As well as these sculpts, I am also experimenting with using acid baths to etch into brass- I\'m not going to discuss all the steps at the moment, but will show the fruit of the efforts. These are both very preliminary, so they are not as clean as they will end up when I take all the step and precautions to make these items. I am also going to experiment with different varieties of corrosive salts and acids to eat into the metal.

Chainmail experiment:


Armature Experiment:


Let me know that you think! I will probably start producing another selfsculpt soon, hopefully good enough for some form of production!



New member
I think sans wings looks very nice apart from the big nose looks out of plac should be small and pointy, IMO.
It looks like you have no small talent look forwar to watching your further work.


New member
Hi Gladiator, the Maggot-Ogre is the one for me, really nicely done. i\'ve seen similar kinds of things done before & I think is a far more successful example. It\'s got that bloated, puffy sense to it, the segmentation isn\'t too rigid or extreme & the scale of the maggot with the ogre matches really well (they often taper off too quickly). Is that a second one lurking in the background?

I\'d happily paint him now but if you think he needs more, how about representing something inside? The GW Chaos Spawn sprues have some hands/faces that are pressing out (as if you put your face against a latex sheet & push against it), nothing too excessive, but a hand pushing out a couple of mm, perhaps to the rear of the figure as a \"reward\" for someone inspecting it (I like figuires with little secrets that reward careful looking but are missed with a cursory glance). Alternatively, with the tail being to the fore and with some base space around it, perhaps open it up a little? A little ogre-goblin being passed out? or going the opposite way, being eaten by maggot tail teeth? The little nurgley hole you have in the tail now looks good, perhaps a couple more? Not too many but one just below his belly on his right & another on the top of the maggot to the rear. All 3 would be at least partially visible in this photo but would provide extra interest to side/back views. With birds eating worms/maggots/grubs all the time, reverse it a little & have him fighting off a flock of maggot eating crows (3 should suffice, wired off left elbow, weapon top & one pecking at maggot. Or a hippo bird cleaning the maggot? Or an Ogre-Goblin cleaning the maggot? A sponge on a stick to get into those deeper crevices?

Can you tell I like it yet? :D B.


New member
The maggot ogre is ace! I would recommend everything BPI said, but I would also add that armoured plates similar to his arms along the \'tail\' part would look even eviler :)


New member
Thanks to all who have responded so far. I agree that the maggot ogre should get more attention, and he will! there are three of them total, originally meant to be dragon ogres for a client who I converted a few pieces for- but pulled out when he found out Chaos was being split up in 7th edition. I do think they would make nice chaos ogres though...

Anyways, I will work on him again soon. In the meantime-

Here is my first full sculpt work in progress I\'m posting (I think it\'s my third self sculpt ever, the numbers and whole idea of when is a conversion a sculpt blur together in my mind). While the pose is based of my elf lord concept art (found here) , I was so pleased with my fool\'s attempt to make a nice rib cage I\'ve decided to make a tomb lord instead. I\'ll get back to that elf at some point.

I need to go back and clean things up a bit with a scalpel and polishing compound, but it\'s not bad. Trouble is, I don\'t know what culture to make the skeleton- should I go with the oh-so traditional egyptian tomb king, or go with something like a viking lord, or just a plain fantasy wight lord. Or does anyone have any other suggestions? I\'m at a bit of a loss here. While not much, here is a WiP shot- I\'ll do more work on the sculpt tonight- hope to have the entire skeleton form done by the end of the week so I can start researching attire over the weekend, and maybe try using etching to make some armor/clothing with filigree. I\'m leaning toward the egyptian undead pharoah for the sake of getting to play with hieroglyphs, ornamentation, and a pair of khopeshes (gotta love the khopesh).



Let me know what you think.


New member
not bad! i would shorten the sternum (bring the bottom up a mil or so) also the humoral heads seem elongated (i am guessing because there is brass under that needs to be covered). try sculpting the anterior part of the joint instead:


and dont forget the clavicles!


New member
@freakinacage: Thanks for the reply- I knew about the clavicle needing to be added, but the sternum had escaped my notice. After some thinking on it, I decided to cut the humoral heads back, as you mentioned- who cares if there\'s bit metal showing?

Quick update.

I\'m a bit frustrated with my efforts on the pelvic girdle- it\'s a tough area to sculpt. I\'m going to take a scalpel, abrasives, and polishing compound to that area too, it seems. Oh, I\'ll probably remove the skull too, to start over. Yay for subtractive sculpting?...


As always, comments!
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