FS: Wrath of Kings - Nasier and Hadross KS sets


New member
SOLD: Wrath of Kings - Nasier and Hadross KS sets

Ok, so it's been a while since I originally decided to get into this and a lot has changed since then. Unfortunately, I am likely not going to be able to get playing WoK. I could possibly keep it around and see if circumstances change to allow me to enjoy the game, however, I figure I'll let you all decide that fate. With that, I'm offering up my KS set of pretty stacked sets of Nasier and Hadross plus all the extras.

Here is what I have:

Irene von Goritsi1
Nasier character pack (Elsis Tagil, Alayna Heska, R2 Specialist)1
Hadross character pack (Ooroth, Bannerman, R2 Specialist)1
Orsund Cavalier (Hadross)1
Great Horn (Nasier)1
Fel Hammer box (Nasier)1
Ancient King1
Deepman Frenzies box (Hadross)1
Hadross FS1
Nasier FS1
Dice bag

There are actually 2 dice bags.

I have this all in hand but haven't even opened the shrink wrap yet. So, keep in mind that everything looks perfect and in great shape on the outside, but whatever mistakes there are in the inside are from CMON. I'll see if I need to 'transfer ownership' over if there are any issues. i.e. check the forum - I saw some people said that level 2 leaders are missing cards.

SOLD I paid $210 for the lot so that's what I'll sell it for plus whatever costs for shipping.

So you decide - I either pass on a freakin great deal on what looks to be a fantastic game, or you give me the test of time and see if I can enjoy this later down the line.
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