First ever CMON piccy!! 63336


New member
Looking pretty good; left a comment.

As I said there, it looks like the biggest issue you have is dealing with photography. This is an unruly beast, and takes almost as much practice as painting does! ;)

It looks like you used a flash. I\'d strongly suggest against that. You\'ll get much better results if you have two lights (I use two 15w halogens, which are the equivalent of 100w incadescents, but a little \"clearer\") on either side of the mini, just behind my camera. This helps cut down shadows. Also, you may need to play with the exposure time and/or white balance on the camera. There\'re tons of good articles on taking pictures in the article section (they certainly helped me; now if I could only get a good camera... :( )

Nice work overall, though, and glad to finally see something from ya! :flip:


New member

If that\'s you first...I can\'t wait to see your twenty first....

Good stuff...keep posting.

By the way...I think your mini is better than your photography. A good photograph can make a crap mini look good, and conversely, a good mini look crap....It\'s worth practising in order to be able to squeeze out every point available...:D


Super Moderator
me likey!

The gold looks stellar! The choice of colors and how everything compliments each other is the best part. Great smooth painting.

My only complaint, (and a small one at that) is that the face seems overly pinkish. Maybe that is just my monitor or the photo....

I hope losing your CMON virginity was memorable. Not like my awkward fumbling in the back seat of my computer room, only to have it post too quickly.....ok I have taken this metaphor about as far as I can/need/


New member
Yes, with a better pic(I\'m one to talk:rolleyes: ) I\'m sure this would score a half point better.
The only thing that seems really off is the face. I can actually see a resemblance to Freddy Krüger but I don\'t think that was intentional, was it?


New member
Originally posted by supervike
My only complaint, (and a small one at that) is that the face seems overly pinkish. Maybe that is just my monitor or the photo....

Hehe, 50% photo, 50% my desire for a better fleshtone than the yellowish GW\'s. I used some vallejo fleshtones this time and they came out a little pinkish. IRL, it looks fleshy.

Thanks for the kind words guys. And thanks for the camera tips!


Coffin Dodger / Keymaster
Like it.


It looks like you have one lamp? 2 would allow you to difuse the shadows.

Close the aperature (higher f-stop number) leaves the camera open longer, need a tripod. This will increase your depth of field and allow you to get all of him in focus.

shoot your pictures lower, more on his eye level. Not always, but it looks like it would help here. It would help show what he is holding.

Your painting looks very good. The browns are well executed as is the NMM gold. the shoulder pads may need a bit more definition (darker dark?)

keep painting.


New member
The mini looks like a quality piece of work, but the photo is letting it down. I have recently taken expert advice on the matter of mini photography (my dad\'s!), as I was going to invest a lot of money in a macro flash set up, using two or three flashes. The following are the results my father sent me from his \'experiments\' with cheap, simple ways to get good macro photos.



This shows a macro \'tent\' made purely of tracing paper. It diffuses the light from your flash, and helps to reflect the ambient light back onto the subject. You can see that NO TRIPOD has been used, the camera being sat on the desktop, and the following photo was taken using the solitary, onboard flash from the camera (the flash from above was not used in this example of some old minis found under my bed back at my parents!).


As you can see, the results, if not my old minis, are very satisfactory, and you only need a few pieces of tracing paper! I can now spend the money I\'ve saved on more minis........


New member
Great mini

I think your main weakness is in your photography. Airhead and Spacemunkie have covered just abpout everything, but you also might want a look at these:

How to make a tent.....

Or you could buy one, but that defeats the object somewhat:

The original thread was here:

No Such Agency

New member
I gave it an 8 because the quality shows through the bad photo. That\'s always a tough judgment but it\'s a lot easier to make with bad lighting than with an out-of-focus pic. Like... is that blend really smooth, or just blurry?


Super Moderator
I\'m sorry but...

If that is your Arm in the above photo, you look alot less \'spacemunkie-ish\' than I would have imagined.


I really like those \'tent\' ideas. I\'ve gotsta do that!


New member
You guys kick arse!
I thought this thread to be dead and so ignored it for a little while.
I come back to find a pantsload of helpful information!
Thanks guys!

Rest assured, it will be put to good use.
I\'ll update pics of Sered as soon as I can.
Thanks again!
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