FINISHED! and named Ripley Pattern Defiler


New member
Thought I would post the new pics here since it\'s finished an all...well at least unles I get the urge the do some more touch ups.

Anyways, some pics:







And the votey link thingy:


New member
all the chains and small thingies confuse me .. but my brain capacity should\'t ruin your score a big 8 from me.


New member
great to see this done! a 9 from me, with much of the score emphasis on a fantastic idea pulled off and coolness of the piece!


Ultra-cool. I like the fact that you worked in a bunch of different techniques without diluting the overall effect. The subtle OSL at the bottom of the base is great and the weathering is really nice. Great concept and execution. Sweet!

Highbulp Billy

New member
Absolutely amazing :eek: this is one very impressive beast. Not usually the sort of thing I\'m interested in but can\'t help but appreciate the effort you\'ve put in and the great end result. Be very proud and enjoy a high vote from me :beer:

Onis Lair

New member
This is great! I\'ve loved watching it\'s creation and work all the way to being finished. the weathering is sweet, he\'s just one big nasty bastard.


New member
if ainu doesnt pick this for mini of the week he is crazy.... hint hint ainu

great job, forgeworld eat your heart... figuratively that is with a huge chaos construct in front of us.

and what is this mystery job anyhoo?


Super Moderator
Really cool! I like the chipped armor and paint the best! Great work... a 9 from me as well.


New member
Love it!

The \'confusing\' chains are what make it for me.... very industrial, very gritty. Job well done on a bloody tricky mini! 9.something from me ^^


New member
Hey, thanks guys! It\'s one of those projects that start on the right foot and just keep driving itself, more or less. Even when I got to the fiddly final bits stage I was like \"No, I can\'t slow down now\" and incorporated a new and marvelous idea into my painting! Write out a list of what I had to finish, and tick em off as I did them! Amazing! Made the last steps go soooo much quicker coz I wasn\'t farting around trying to work out what to do next. :beer::]:]

I\'m going to be attempting to put an army together to accompany it, but I\'m suffering some real creative block at the moment. I think it\'s coz this one drained all the juices from me for the time being. We\'ll see how it all comes together. I was thinking an Iron Warriors (surprise surprise) army, but built to be a display army mostly, with walker tanks and maximum firepower. But the walker tank idea has me stumped, coz i tried to build some legs and...well....they don\'t look right. So I\'ll just keep stewing along on that one for now!

I have to thank Automaton for a lot of his input and \"nudging\" to do a little better on some things! He\'s helped me out heaps, especially with the idea of using yellow industrial machine colours on it. That was such a sweet idea! Thanks dude!
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