Finding mini painters?


New member
Admittedly this is one area I know almost nothing about...

I am searching for a high quality painter for our new mini line but I am at a loss as to where to start.

I posted an ad in the General forum section but I am sure there are many other blogs/sites I should be visiting.... As I do not frequent that corner of our world I could use some suggestions/links on where some of the more talented painters hang out that may be interested in work.

Thank you for your time!
Mark Mondragon


New member
I'm planning to start on one of the Eisenkern this weekend... but you're probably looking for something at a higher level. My advice is go to the gallery and then select top artists (option at the top). Look at their gallerys and see which style fits your vision. Most will say if they accept commission.

There are studios out there that do commission work. One I'm aware of is There are plenty more but unfortunately I'm not as familiar with them. Hopefully others will be able to offer more advice.


New member
I could also recommend the following studios:
- golempainting: really high-level work is available from them. Communication is excellent and they are pretty fast. They are in the UK
- worthypainting: have heard good things about them, but never tried, so no opinion. afaik US based.
- nukesarts: UK based, I haven't tried, but would like to. There are some pretty impressive jobs in the gallery and on forums I read that they are pretty cheap considering the quality.

- massivevoodoo: I'd love to commission them, but... they are always fully booked, so it's hard to commission them. (DE)

I wrote the nation for shipping/import taxes. For high-level works shipping shouldn't matter (the commission work will cost way more than shipping anyway), but it's maybe important for some.

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